Summary of the role:
Job Title:
Job Purpose:
Reporting Line:
To help develop and use DT/FTT across the curriculum and to be fully involved in the extra curricular activities of the school.
Teacher of DT/FTT
Bedford Greenacre Independent School
Bedford Greenacre, MK417FZ
To plan, write and deliver DT/FTT lessons to Pupils up to 6th form
Assistant Head
Line management responsibility for:
Promoting and safeguarding the welfare of children and young persons for whom you are responsible and with whom you come into contact.
Strategic Direction and Development of the subject
Develop and propose strategic direction and vision for innovative use of DT/FTTacross the whole curriculum for approval by the Principal.
Work with the Senior Leadership Team to develop and propose whole school policies to enable and support the successful delivery of the DT/FTT Department vision.
Participate in meetings where DT/FTT is discussed.
Participate in working parties and in any other groups as co-opted by the Principal.
Proactively explore the potential of emerging technologies, new practices and BGI School’s own evaluations of its current use of DT/FTT to regularly review and update the School’s vision and planning processes.
Liaise effectively with the staff to ensure that long term educational strategy and systems development plans are aligned and developed in parallel to deliver the required outcomes on time, on specification and on budget.
Leadership and management of others
Ensure that the DT/FTT vision clearly identifies the potential for the subject to enhance aspects of the School’s work.
Work with Subject Co-ordinators and Heads of Department to ensure that DT/FTTis embedded into the teaching, learning and assessment process across the whole curriculum across the school.
Support staff to understand and share the creative possibilities for DT/FTT across the curriculum.
Support staff in developing and delivering lessons in which DT/FTT is an integral part.
Enter events and competitions such as kit car inter school.
Teaching and learning
Promote excellence in teaching and learning to ensure all students develop their potential and are equipped for life beyond school.
Exemplify in own practice the skills of teaching and learning typified by lead professionals, and ensure that good practice is shared throughout the department.
Ensure that schemes of work are used, reviewed and modified to enable the maintenance and development of high standards of teaching and learning.
Monitor students’ work and the classroom practice of those in the department to ensure high standards are maintained.
Ensure that DT/FTTsupports personalised learning with the Virtual Learning Environment and that it is used to support those needing additional educational support and to facilitate extension work to stretch those needing additional opportunities.
Keep up to date with developments in subject area and education in general to ensure that best practice is adopted within the department.
Anticipate future developments with DT/FTT in teaching and learning and seek to place BGI at the forefront of these.
Extra-curricular activities
Actively promote interest in the subjects outside the immediate physical and timetabled confines of the department.
Contribute to the broader life of the school by supporting and leading curricular and extra-curricular events, especially after school.
Management of resources
Assist with the monitoring and control of the department’s allocated budget and purchasing arrangements, to ensure the efficient and effective use of all resources.
Promote strategies and policies that take into account total cost of ownership, ecological issues and value for money in the DT/FTT investment.
Use accommodation to create a stimulating learning environment.
Identify future resourcing needs and aspirations for the department for consideration in the school budget planning process.
Ensure that all resources are fit for purpose and used in accordance with health and safety guidelines
Monitoring, evaluation and assessment
Ensure that individual pupil progress is regularly assessed, recorded and reported and used to inform future teaching.
Monitor the students’ progress through the use of performance and benchmarked data to ensure that high standards of learning are achieved and maintained.
Help to undertake a critical appraisal of effectiveness of whole school DT/FTT usage to improve teaching and learning.
Training & development of self and others
a. Set personal targets and take responsibility for own continuous professional development.
Maintain and extend personal expertise in specific areas of your subjects ensuring current knowledge of how they are used in the workplace is maintained and used to inform future strategic direction and to provide appropriate advice and support.
Ensure that the school is kept informed of the latest developments in software in relation to your subjects which might be of benefit to the school, and bring these to the attention of the Principal, SLT and Heads of Department as appropriate.
Assist with individual and group training on the effective use of resources; document current policies and practice; produce detailed help sheets and other documentation as required in relation to DT/FTT
General requirements
All school staff are expected to:
Contribute to the school’s programme of extra-curricular activities.
Be an integral member of the pastoral system as a Form Tutor or related role.
Support and contribute to the school’s responsibility for safeguarding students.
Work within the school’s health and safety policy to ensure a safe working environment for staff, pupils and visitors
Work within the school’s policy to promote equality of opportunity
Attend Open Mornings, Saturday School Fetes, Parent’s consultation evenings, PTFA events, etc.