Vacancy Information
The salary advertised is full time (35 hours per week, 52 weeks per year). Part-time hours / sessional posts will be pro-rated accordingly.
Hourly rate of pay: £12.96 - £13.78
This is a 39-week sessional post i.e. working hours will be during school term time plus in-service days.
Days and Hours of Work:
Monday, 09:00-14:00
Tuesday - Thursday, 10:30-16:30
Friday, 09:30-13:30
To start asap.
The successful candidate will be experienced, enthusiastic and energetic Business Support Officer who is able to fully embrace all aspects of school life in our busy office and vibrant school. Working closely with our families and children, your approach will be nurturing and you will show understanding and commitment to getting it right for all.
Pinkie St Peter’s currently has 18 classes, with a role of with a new and growing nursery. We work in partnership with our children and families on the values of being Nurturing, Achieving, Respectful, Resilient and Responsible and want our whole school community to be #proudtobepinkie Our staff team work hard to ensure all pupils feel included and valued and we have created a Pinkie Promise where we:
#PinkiePromise to nurture, empower and inspire children to celebrate their individuality and be successful in our world.
Job Details
To provide administrative, clerical, reception and information support to the school through a range of tasks carried out within well-defined regulations.
Please download the Job Outline/Person Specification (available under '