JOBS: Assistant and Associate Profs in Statistics at Warwick
Mar 14, 2018
Enthusiastic and excellent academics are sought to be part of the Department of Statistics at Warwick (UK), one of the world’s most prominent and research-active departments of Statistics. We are advertising four posts in total, reflecting the strong commitment of the University of Warwick to invest in Statistics. We intend to fill the following positions:
1. Assistant or Associate Professor of Statistics (two positions), which are permanent posts, subject to probation at the Assistant level.
2. Harrison Early Career Assistant Professor of Statistics (two positions), which are fixed-term (3 year) appointments with a low teaching load.
We are looking for applicants with evidence or promise of world-class research excellence. You will have expertise in statistics (to be interpreted in the widest sense and to include both applied and methodological statistics, probability, probabilistic operational research, and mathematical finance together with interdisciplinary topics involving one or more of these areas) and you will help shape research and teaching leadership in this fast-developing discipline. Applicants at the Associate level should have an excellent publication record and proven ability to secure research funding. Applicants at the Assistant level should show exceptional promise to become leading academics.
While the posts are open to applicants with expertise in any field of statistics (widely interpreted as above), the Department is particularly interested in strengthening its existing group in Data Science. The Department is heavily involved in the Warwick Data Science Institute and the Alan Turing Institute, the national institute for data science, headquartered in London. If interested, a successful candidate can apply to spend part of their time at the Alan Turing Institute as a Turing Fellow.
Informal inquiries can be addressed to Professors Mark Steel (, Gareth Roberts (, and Wilfrid Kendall ( or to any other senior member of the Warwick Statistics Department.
Applicants should ask their referees to send letters of recommendation by the closing date to the Departmental Administrator, Mrs. Paula Matthews (
More details and a link to the application forms can be found at Further information about the Department of Statistics is available at Further information about the University of Warwick can be accessed at