To work as part of an interdisciplinary team, providing clinical psychology input within the Peartree Community service to service users with acquired brain injury, FND, anxiety, and other neurological conditions. To liaise with internal and external professionals, family members, and service users. To engage in relevant research and advise other professionals as appropriate.
Main Tasks and Responsibilities
o To provide specialist psychological assessment of adults with neurological conditions and clients experiencing anxiety within the community setting, utilising and interpreting information from a variety of sources including psychological and neuropsychological tests, self-report scales, direct and indirect structured observations, and semi-structured interviews with service users, family members, and others involved in the service users' care.
o To formulate and implement plans of specialist psychological treatment or management of service users' neuropsychological and mental health problems based on a multi-factorial psychological understanding and current evidence-based best practice.
o To undertake a range of psychological therapeutic and rehabilitation interventions, drawing on a range of psychological models and employing a range of modalities (individual, family, and group) adapted and tailored to the needs of the individual and the context, and ongoing evaluation of the outcomes of the intervention.
o To exercise autonomous professional judgement and responsibility for the psychological management of service users on own case load.
o To be responsible for providing a specialist psychological perspective in the multi-disciplinary assessment of service users and their families.
o To contribute highly specialist psychological advice to the multi-disciplinary formulation of appropriate therapeutic approaches or intervention plans, and to be involved in, or oversee specialist psychological aspects of their implementation in collaboration with other staff.
o To undertake psychologically based risk assessment and risk management for relevant service users and provide advice on the psychological aspects of risk to the multi-disciplinary team.
o To consult with and provide specialist psychological guidance to carers and families of service users.
o To provide training and presentations to other disciplines on the role and function of neuropsychology, and significantly contribute to the psychological skills development training programme for the service.
o To consult with and advise colleagues from other professions on psychological assessment and treatment methods.
o To teach, advise, and consult with carers and appropriate others on psychological elements of brain injury related problems.
o To participate in the specialist training of other psychologists as appropriate.
o To supervise, appraise, and participate in the management of assistant psychologists/trainee clinical psychologists.
o To participate in multi-disciplinary meetings concerned with the delivery and development of clinical services and contribute a psychological perspective as appropriate.
o To contribute as required to the planning and development of the operational policies and service delivery in the Clinical Neuropsychology Service through undertaking agreed project work.
o To advise service management on areas of service where issues of psychological need should be addressed.
o To develop and maintain good communication links with the NHS, Social Services, and other agencies working in the area of neurorehabilitation.
o To lead on the interpretation and implementation of national guidelines and policies relating to neuropsychology and neurorehabilitation practice.
o To remain informed of and critically evaluate current research to support evidence-based practice in own professional work and to contribute this perspective in the multi-disciplinary team.
o To contribute to project management of complex audit, assisting colleagues to develop service provision.
o To coordinate administration of agreed outcome measures.
o To initiate and conduct psychologically based research relevant to the care of adults with acquired brain injury, as agreed with the Managing Director.
o To provide advice to members of other professions as required on research design and method.
o To participate in regular clinical supervision and to negotiate further specialist supervision, development, and training.
o To work within the Code of Ethics and the relevant professional practice guidelines of the British Psychological Society and the professional guidance framework of the Organisation.
o To work within the framework of the policies and procedures of the Organisation.
o To be responsible for relevant data collection on work activities, as required, and to maintain a high standard of clinical record keeping.
o To participate fully in supporting the activities of the Psychology profession within the Organisation, including attending relevant meetings.
o To keep abreast of developments in Clinical Psychology, particularly in the field of neurorehabilitation.
o To carry out such other duties as the Managing Director may reasonably request.
o To plan and prioritise own clinical workload.
o To communicate effectively with service users and carers including an awareness of alternative and augmentative communication aids often required by ABI and complex needs clients and/or their families, i.e., clients with visual, hearing, communication, mental health, and learning disabilities.
o To communicate highly confidential, personal, and sensitive information obtained through assessments, therapy, and interventions to the service users themselves who may have limited understanding and may be antagonistic and very distressed, and where appropriate, to their relatives and carers, other involved professionals, and referring agents.
o Communication to be in a skilled and sensitive manner, making informed clinical judgements concerning what information to report, how and when to convey it, in the best interests of the service user.
o To provide detailed assessment reports with recommendations in a format service user and family find readily accessible.
o To participate in multi-disciplinary team goal setting to assist in the development of service users' rehabilitation programmes with the service.