To be the first point of contact to the Blood clinic via the telephone, ensuring accurate messages are recorded, transcribed and communicated to the relevant clinician. To be the first point of contact for the unit/department providing a comprehensive customer service and enquiry provision to internal and external customers of the Trust. To accurately record results in patients blood books. Liaising with patients who attend the Blood clinic dealing with any queries regarding their appointment or their blood book. To provide an effective support service and be the principal communication link to patients, carers and support services. Provide a comprehensive administrative service which will include compilation of reports and other correspondence on behalf of the team manager and other members of the team, ensuring a high standard in accordance with Trust standards. To create and maintain effective working relationships with staff at all levels, internal and external across the whole health economy. Work collaboratively with the appropriate management teams and other departments including clinicians to ensure that the appropriate leads are notified in the case of matters of urgency and dealt with in a timely manner. To undertake ordering of goods for the service from NHS Supply Chain or E-procurement system. To provide a secretarial function to the Team Leader and Deputy Team Leader. To arrange supervisions and PDRs on the Managers behalf. Attend and participate in team meeting and admin services meetings as required.