CIW Inspector
Care Inspectorate Wales is looking for both Welsh and English Inspectors. Using their knowledge and skills, the role of an Inspector is to safeguard and protect the wellbeing of people ensuring services are providing safe care and encourage and drive improvement.
Posts available
There are multiple posts available across three teams:
* Adult and Children's Services Inspection Team
* Childcare & Play Inspection Team
* Registration and Enforcement Teams
Closing date:
16:00pm on 27/03/2025
Mae Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru yn chwilio am arolygwyr Cymraeg a Saesneg. Gan ddefnyddio ei wybodaeth a'i sgiliau, rôl arolygydd yw diogelu ac amddiffyn llesiant pobl, gan sicrhau bod gwasanaethau yn darparu gofal diogel, ac annog a llywio gwelliannau.
Swyddi sydd ar gael:
Mae sawl swydd ar gael mewn tri thîm:
* Tîm arolygu gwasanaethau oedolion a phlant
* Tîm arolygu gofal plant a chwarae
* Tîm Cofrestru a Gorfodi
Dyddiad Cau:
16:00pm ar 27/03/2025