Nevis Range is currently looking for a highly motivated cleaner to maintain high cleaning standards.Nevis Range is a Fair Work employer and pays the Living Wage across all departments, we believe passionately in investing in our workforce!
Nevis Range is a Fair Work employer and pays the Living Wage across all departments, we believe passionately in investing in our workforce and doing our part to ensure that we all live in a fairer, sustainable and more equitable society
Nevis Range is currently looking for a highly motivated cleaner to maintain high cleaning standards.
The job consists on the following:
* Cleaning public and staff restroom areas.
* Cleaning staff office
* Maintaining staff canteen cleaned.
* Cleaning public facilities.
* Cleaning conference room
* Keeping up with cleaning products stock.
Job Description:
Candidate will be required to maintain the staff canteen cleaned and office. This will consist of cleaning worktops, changing bins & hoovering.
Candidate will be provided with all cleaning products and will be required to keep up with stock check in order to provide line manager with a list of products needed.
Candidate must have transport to commute to and from Nevis Range.