Parkside School, a historic boys' prep school with a thriving co-educational nursery, is embarking on an exciting new chapter as it prepares to welcome girls into the prep school from September 2025. This marks a significant step in the school’s rich history, as it continues to provide exceptional education and opportunities for all pupils, and an extremely exciting time to join the Senior Leadership Team.
Due to the retirement of a very long serving member of staff, we are looking to fill the position of Deputy Head from September 2025 or earlier. The role of Deputy Head is to support the Head in providing professional leadership for the school; deputising for the Head in their absence; ensuring high quality education for all pupils; and implementing strategies that enable improvement to be made and standards to be raised.
We are looking for charismatic, ambitious and forward thinking leader who is excited about the opportunity to help drive change in a thriving school. You will have a passion for working with young people and a commitment to fostering a nurturing and inclusive school culture. As a prominent ambassador for the School, you will have the ability to build relationships across all areas of school life and to lead by example.
Parkside is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, and vulnerable adults and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Similarly, Parkside is committed to being an equal opportunities employer and we welcome applications from all suitably qualified persons regardless of their race, sex, disability, religion, beliefs, sexual orientation or age. Applicants must be willing to undergo child protection screening, including checks with previous employers and the Disclosure and Barring Service.