This is a role which will be key to the Trust's role as leader and influencer in North East London foundation Trust and to achieving NELFT's strategic ambitions.
The role is a crucial post in ensuring that NELFT is compliant with legal and statutory requirements and that all fire safety regulations under current codes of practice are addressed across the NELFT portfolio.
The postholder will be the Trust's lead expert for fire safety providing expert professional advice to the Trust board and senior management on all current fire safety legislation and Assistant director of estates.
To lead, provide expert specialist and professional fire information service for all capital projects, provide advice to other clients/partners, directors, and senior management of the trust.
To develop and lead on policies, strategies and for implementation of the Trusts' fire compliance annual mandatory programme.
To continually improve reporting systems in order to maintain a safe environment for patients and staff.
This post is responsible for the effectiveness of comprehensive fire safety training programme, for all types of staff at all levels in the Trust.
The successful candidate will need to be able to:
* Oversee the development and implementation of capital procurement policies for the Estates Service (Fire) responsible for development of capital projects policies (Fire) for the Trust.
* Review & ensure all fire policies are up to date and relevant to any legislative changes.
* Develop highly complex fire plans across the Trust and ensure that these are put in place across the trust.
* Oversee regular fire safety audits and risk assessments for all departments.
* Oversee the implementation of systems, control processes and risk management arrangements to support monitoring of compliance with agreed standards, other trust-wide policies and processes and best practice requirements.
* Advise Assistant Director of estates, Estates Leadership Team, Trust Board and Senior Management as required on all current fire safety legislation, ensuring that legal compliances maintained under the current codes of practice.
* Expected to travel to different sites.
* Manage the in-house fire risk assessor and their programme of works.
* Manage the fire safety email and fire related inphase.
Starting with NELFT
NELFT place a great deal of importance on new starters being properly welcomed and inducted into the Trust. All new starters will join the Trust on the first Monday of each month and will undertake a comprehensive induction of up to two weeks which will include mandatory training, systems training and the allocation of equipment. As part of the process new starters will have the opportunity to also meet the executive team, senior managers and attend a number of drop-in sessions focusing on engagement, health and wellbeing and key processes. The induction will be held at our head office in Rainham, Essex.
Probationary Period
This post will be subject to a probationary period. Internal applicants are exempt from the probationary period (unless you are an internal applicant currently part way through a probationary period or currently a bank member of staff).
High Cost Area Supplement
This post also attracts payment for High Cost Area Supplement of 15% of the basic salary (with a minimum of £4,551 to a maximum of £5,735).
For further details / informal visits contact:
Name: Paul Spring
Job title: Interim Estates Operations Manager
Email address:
Telephone number: 07973371519