Administrative Management (including HR - staff welfare, staff training, staff appraisals, staff recruitment). Lead with admin rota & annual leave. Arrange, chair and minute meetings. Deal with incoming complaints/concerns & significant events etc. Review and update Practice Policies. Facilities Management H&S IT/Telephone System/Website Procurement Carry out work for and cover for Office Manager. Job description Administrative Management Deal with admin staff welfare issues (including sickness/training/appraisals) Arrange & chair meetings (take minutes) Deal with incoming complaints/comments/concerns Deal with all significant events (ensuring they are recorded correctly) H&S/cleaning/maintenance Review admin practice policies/ensuring surgery & staff adhere Deal with IT/Telephone system issues Process patient Invites letters Assist in all procurements/surgery provisions both Medical & Non Medical Lead with admin rota & annual leave. Facilities Management (with Management Team) Ensure value for money is achieved in the purchasing of consumables and capital items. Maintain the premises to a safe standard. Complying with all building regulations. Health and Safety Management Ensure Practice premises and work systems comply with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and all other relevant safety legislation. Information Technology (with Management Team) Troubleshoot any hardware and software issues as they arise. Reach a local solution wherever possible and when not initiate helpdesk support immediately. Ensure the surgery telephone system is maintained in good working order. Fix problems if they arise and liaise with support desk as and when necessary. Health & Safety The post holder is required to take reasonable care of his/her own health and safety and that of other persons who may be affected by his/her own acts or omissions. To assist Greystoke Surgery in reducing healthcare associated infections and maintaining high levels of infection control you should be familiar with the surgery's IPC policy. You must either complete online mandatory training or attend the in house annual IPC update. You must be compliant with all standards relevant to your department at all times. You are responsible for keeping your work area clean and tidy.