Please refer to the attached job description for full details of this exciting role including the full persons specification and proposed job plan timetable. Further duties of the role include: Except in emergencies or where otherwise agreed with your manager, you will be responsible for fulfilling the duties and responsibilities and undertaking the programmed activities set out in your job plan, as reviewed from time to time. The purpose of including agreed personal objectives in your Job Plan is to set out in clear and transparent terms what you and your clinical manager have agreed should reasonably be achieved in the year in question. These objectives are not contractually binding in themselves, but you will have a duty to make all reasonable efforts to achieve them. You will be required to participate in an on-call rota to provide emergency cover. When not on an on-call rota, we may in exceptional circumstances, ask you to return to site for emergencies if we are able to contact you. You are not however, required to be available for such eventualities. The post will be approximately 1 in 9 on-call for general ophthalmology, although this frequency may change over time depending on departmental circumstances. The number of consultants who are away on leave at any one time will be agreed with the Trust specialty policy. During the absence of colleagues on leave, consultants are expected to provide agreed levels of cover. Where you wish to have external duties included in your job plan, you must discuss with and have the agreement of your clinical manager in advance. Scheduling of such duties will be by agreement between you and your clinical manager. To provide and develop a subspecialty interest and service, required by the Trust's catchment population, that complements the specialist interests of the existing consultants.