Job Title: Registered Manager Contract: Permanent, Full Time Accountable to: The Board Salary: £45 - £55k Location: Wolverhampton THE ROLE To facilitate the achievement of excellent outcomes for young people following key principles of residential child care in line with Children's Homes Regulations including the quality standards April 2015, safeguarding children according to Working Together to Safeguard Children A guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children 2018 and provide robust management support which meets and goes above and beyond of the Leadership and Management Standard. RESPONSIBILITIES To provide leadership and management of the home. To maintain an in-depth knowledge of the National Minimum Standards, Every Child Matters, Children's Homes Regulations, the Children Act, Working Together to safeguard children and other relevant legislation and guidance and company policy and procedure. To manage the home to safeguard and promote the wellbeing of young people to meet Regulation to recruit staff team following safer recruitment. Manage the home's staff team ensuring they have necessary skills and training according to the SoP of the home meeting the needs of the young people. DUTIES Leadership and Management of the home To understand the ethos and basic principles of the business. To be responsible for the overall day to day running of the home. To manage all practical operational issues, staff conflicts, Health & Safety matters, providing direct support to the young people, ensure safe staffing level is maintained all the ti Wellbeing of young people To contribute to the referral, assessment, and admission procedures, ensuring effective pre-placement assessment of need (including risk assessment), placement planning, compatibility assessment and ensure all relevant documents are obtained. To operate an effective key worker system that ensures; All young people are allocated keyworkers for ensuring that young people's care needs are met, placement plans implemented, and that keyworkers are provided with appropriate guidance and support in fulfilling this role. To ensure a safe, nurturing, and welcoming environment is maintained that safeguards and promotes the wellbeing of the young people. Managing staff To ensure adequacy of staff cover within the home ensuring rotas are appropriately maintained to meet the identified needs of the young people within allocated resources. To work with our HR provider to identify staff requirements and process staff selection. To provide supervision to all staff on a regular basis that meets the minimum requirements in relation to frequency, duration and content as required by Care Perspective's procedures. Where supervision is delegated, to be responsible for ensuring that this meets required standards. Ensure that staff are provided with both general as well as key-work focused supervision where this is applicable and that both are appropriately recorded. To ensure effective systems are in place for keeping staff up to date with information they need to undertake their jobs effectively e.g. ensuring effective handovers are happening. Quality Service To attend management meetings and meetings with the Directors as required and report on the service and contribute towards the development of Care Perspective's services. SAFEGUARDING STATEMENT Care Perspectives Limited is fully committed to promoting the rights of young people and ensuring that their welfare is safeguarded at all times. Experience Minimum of 5 years' experience within residential care, 2 of which should be at managerial level – as required through regulating body recommendations. Experience of Ofsted procedures / inspections Detailed understanding of Children's Act 1989, Care Standards Act 2000, Children's Homes (England) Regulations 2015, Children's Homes (Wales) Regulations 2002 (amended 2007), Health and Safety Requirements, Equal Opportunities, Working Together to Safeguard Children A guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children 2018 Anti-Discriminatory Practice, and other relevant legislation. Good knowledge of Safeguarding procedures, including role of DSL Please Apply below or call us on 0121 270 8878. Between 09:00-17:00 Monday to Friday Email us on for assistance with this job.