Governance and Compliance 1. Establish and monitor procedures to ensure that the Trust complies with all relevant legal, constitutional, and regulatory requirements. 2. Monitor the corporate governance and compliance implications of all papers submitted to the Trust Board, the Council of Governors, the Executive and all their sub groups 3. Ensure that the Trust has in place sound governance policies, procedures and structures to promote and ensure probity in the conduct of business and compliance with policies. 4. Establish arrangements to monitor compliance with Standing Orders and other internal Trust policies. 5. Co-ordinate amendments to the Trusts Constitution and Standing Orders ensuring effective consideration by the Council of Governors and the Board of Directors. 6. Keep up to date on developments in corporate governance in the UK and elsewhere through regular research, reading and attending relevant events. Provide specialist knowledge of Foundation Trusts best practice, organisational policies and procedures, and governance to the Chief Executive, Executive Directors, their direct reports, external organisations, Trust staff, Governors, Trust Members and the general public when required. 7. Monitor the procedures in place for the correct administration of subsidiary organisations and joint ventures. 8. Be responsible for the Trust Seal and ensure all legal documents are properly signed, sealed, witnessed and Trust Seal usage reported to the Board. 9 Maintain the Trusts Register of Interests for Board Directors, all Trust staff and the Council of Governors, undertaking annual review that is formally reported to the Board and assessed by the Trusts Counter-Fraud, Internal and External Audit services. Ensure these registers are routinely updated on the Trusts website.