An organised and energeticprofessional part time nanny is sought for a busy household basedin Moreton In Marsh with four children two school aged children a3yearold attends nursery three times a week and a younger childunder 2. Most of your time will be spent with the two youngerchildren creating a dynamic yet manageableroutine.
Thefamily are seeking to employ a nanny that can bring both warmth andstructure to a loving family home. You must be organised enjoycreating fun and educational experiences and can seamlessly managethe needs of a busyfamily.
Dailyduties toinclude:
* Morningroutines start the day with breakfast and school dropoffs (parentsoften divide and conquer on school dropsoff)
* Mealpreparation create nutritious and delicious meals for thechildren
* Engagein play and learning plan and lead enrichingactivities.
* Supportschool and nursery needs assist with uniforms school projectsetc.
* Fosterhobbies and interests encourage the children s passions andtalents.
Daysand hours are 2 days per week (Tuesday and Wednesday with someflexibility)
Preferred hours are7am 7pm (Flexible on hours)
Extrahours can be provided ifrequired.
Confidentdriver required and a car will be provided for workpurposes.
Salaryon offer is20phg.
Abeautiful cottage on the property can be provided for use on thedays youwork.
Roleto commence as soon as the right candidate isfound.