Whilst main clinics may have set days, other activities are more variable and flexible and so the exact time and day of the week may vary according to demand or your existing commitments. Flexible working from home is possible for some activities and a laptop with remote secure access to hospital systems will be provided. Both posts include scope for developing exciting roles involving specialist skills and interests, and these are detailed in the individual job plans below. Appropriate training and support to undertake these roles would be provided. Candidates wishing to expand their interests in specialist safeguarding or assessment of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) would be particularly encouraged. Other possibilities for special interest include Down syndrome, neurodisability, sleep, hearing pathway, sexual assault, children in care/looked after, or another area that the candidate wishes to explore and that meets with service objectives. Less than full time applications are welcome, but core DCC elements of the role must be included in the final agreed job plan.