To act as Mental Health/Learning Disabilities Specialist Nurse for the s117 aftercare Team on behalf of NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care Board (CPICB)
To carry out joint assessments of patients due to be discharged who are subject to Section 117 funding under the Mental Health act 1983 using the Joint commissioning Tool involving patients/family and members of the Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT)
To support and monitor commissioned packages of care, ensuring that the patient is central to all decisions and that the care pathway is commissioned and delivered in a safe, high quality, well led, and supportive environment.
To provide expert knowledge in relation to patients with Mental Health needs who are funded by the NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care Board.
To act as Case Manager for all patients with Mental Health Needs/Learning Disabilities who are joint funded by the CPICB under section 117 and ensure that these patients are reviewed as per s117 Joint policy.
To provide support on mental health patients to the Continuing Healthcare Specialist Nurses, Ability to work as part of a team, to ensure the effective and timely reviews of patients care is undertaken.
Attending MDTs, CPAs, Mental health Tribunals and facilitating MDT meetings (as appropriate)
Act as a reference point for queries and information in relation to S117 aftercare review process.
Undertaking joint assessments using the JCT and ensuring that ICB are represented in any funding decisions for patients subject to Section 117 aftercare.
Support the commissioning of complex care, acknowledging the agreed benchmark and resources available.
Case management of individuals subject to Section 117 aftercare.
Present highly complex information in a clear, convincing way to a range of audiences from experienced clinicians and managers to members of the public.
Staying up to date with changes to national frameworks and ensuring compliance.
Identifying and reporting any safeguarding concerns to the appropriate authorities.
To provide support on mental health patients to the Continuing Healthcare Specialist Nurses.
On-going review of all Section 117 joint funded packages and placements.
Building and maintaining relationships.
NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough is an Integrated Care Board (ICB) and the statutory NHS organisation responsible for planning and delivering local health and care services to the population and communities of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough.