The main responsibilities of the post include the following: Clinical Services To provide information, advice and guidance on the safe, effective and economical use of medicines and to challenge poor practice. To maintain appropriate standards of service and safety; to enforce guidelines, policies and procedures to ensure standards are met. To fulfil the requirements of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Good Professional Practice. To optimise medicines management by reconciling drug histories, performing medication reviews, using patients own medicines, counselling and ensuring continuity of care on discharge. To detect, record and report adverse drug reactions to the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and via Datix as per Trust Policy. To monitor pharmacy interventions and Datix reports to identify training and information needs within Urgent Care. To participate in CQUINs and QIPPs within Urgent Care. To identify and implement service improvements within Urgent Care To lead and support on the auditing of medicines and prescribing within Urgent Care. To implement countywide and local prescribing strategies within the Trust. Facilitate the expansion of the tools within EPMA. Support the development and implementations of medicine related guidance, policies and procedures within Urgent Care. Support the process for new medicines being integrated into the Trust by Formulary submissions. To undertake validation duties in the dispensary. To supervise, check and, if necessary, undertake the supply of medicines. Technical checking is in place; pharmacists make initial validations and have a professional responsibility to decide on the need for their further involvement in the supply process. Speciality Clinical Pharmacy Role Have a working knowledge of current practice and protocols within Urgent Care and how these relate to national and other guidance. To optimise medicines through prescribing role operating within areas of competence (where appropriately qualified and authorised via the Trust NMP register). Provide a specialist clinical pharmacy service to the Urgent Care service To provide an Enquiry Answering Service for Urgent care-related enquires from other pharmacists or referred from other wards Support the Advanced Clinical Pharmacist, A&E and Urgent Care is delivering clinical pharmacy and medicine management services to Urgent Care. Able to demonstrate and understanding of relevant pharmacy services priorities and contribute to the implementation of these priorities Support the Advanced Clinical Pharmacist, A&E and Urgent Care in development of the Urgent Care service in the submission of relevant business cases Requirement to undertake and support in project work within the Urgent Care team Education, Training and Supervision Act as a role model to the pharmacy team, including supporting junior pharmacist to achieve their objectives Attend clinical pharmacy meetings and education/training schemes relevant to post. To take part in formal and informal education of pharmacy staff and other healthcare professionals in Urgent Care as well as the wider pharmacy team. To be a supervisor on the Clinical Pharmacy Diploma course. To supervise aspects of pre-registration training. To line manage and lead those staff allocated, undertaking appraisals, supervision and identification of training and development of their skills and knowledge. To assist in the induction of staff into the service; to help identify training and development needs. To provide information to patients, parents, and carers on admission and at discharge regarding treatment and medication to optimise patient concordance, particularly if there is a need to overcome language or communication barriers. To maintain up-to-date clinical knowledge in clinical pharmacy and pharmacy practice to ensure a broad base of pharmaceutical knowledge, clinical reasoning and judgement. To take responsibility for own personal CPD by participating in education and training programmes to improve competence and to develop specialist expertise in Urgent Care area. To obtain/maintain prescribing qualification and support services and ward rounds as appropriate. To help provide the training for Technicians enhanced patient counselling skills and Medicines Management Technician training. Other Duties To undertake duties elsewhere in the locality, if required. To undertake on call duties To provide a pharmacy service at weekends