Are you a motivated marketer with a keen interest in all things web!? This incredible retail company is looking for you to join them and take their website marketing by the horns! Whether you’re an experienced marketer wanting to dive into website marketing and evolve your skills, a well-established website marketer, or a fresh graduate with some experience with certain web software, this exciting opportunity could be for you. Read on and apply now!
About the Role:
This opportunity will require you to manage the website marketing of the company, particularly focused on:
1. Website maintenance – ensuring the website is clear and easily accessible for potential customers utilising plugins like Magento.
2. Regularly monitoring and reporting all online activity ensuring the website remains up to date.
3. Creating and managing the website budget, continuously reviewing, and optimizing the spending to meet goals.
About you:
You will be an enthusiastic and passionate applicant with:
1. Exposure/ understanding of Google software such as GA4 and Tag Manager.
2. Web platform experience – e.g. Magento 2.
3. SEO experience and understanding.
4. An enthusiasm for web marketing and being an integral part of the wider team!
Apply now to learn more about this incredible opportunity and discover their amazing benefits!
Due to the location of this Norfolk office, this position is commutable via car or train, from King’s Lynn, Gayton, Fakenham, Marham, Downham Market, Wisbech, March, Crowland, Thorney, Sutton Bridge, or further afield.