A Vacancy at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.
This appointment is for a Consultant Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon with a Subspecialty Interest in Head & Neck Oncology. The appointee will work closely with two of the current Maxillofacial Surgeons ( Mr S.T. Crank and Mr K.D. Mizen) to complement and build on existing Team Working in the management of Head & Neck Oncology within the Head & Neck MDT. The cancer network supports a population of 1.2 million. The postholder will have access to their own designated all day operating list with the provision for support and two team operating for free flap cases. The completion of a Head & Neck Oncology Fellowship is not essential but may be an advantage. The postholder will be expected to provide the full remit of Maxillofacial oncology including microvascular reconstructive procedures. It will also be possible to become involved in skull base procedures both with respect to access and reconstruction through the skull base MDT in conjunction with neurosurgery, ENT and plastic surgery.
In addition to supporting the Head & Neck MDT the appointee will be expected to provide a general elective and emergency Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery service to the population of Hull & East Yorkshire
The Maxillofacial Service for Hull & East Yorkshire currently operates as the clinical hub for the Humberside Maxillofacial Consortium with Northern Lincolnshire & Goole Hospitals NHS Trust. This collaboration aims to provide an integrated Maxillofacial Surgery service for the whole of Humberside. All emergency and trauma cases for East Yorkshire & Northern Lincolnshire are directed to Hull Royal Infirmary, a designated trauma centre with sessions allocated to this site.
4. The programme will include flexible theatre activity to use spare (backfill) capacity and potentially may move in future to include seven day or Saturday working.
The Humber Health Partnership is one of the largest acute and community Partnership arrangements in the NHS, seeing well over one million patients every year and managing a budget of over £1.3 billion.
Made up of two Trusts - Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust (NLAG) and Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (HUTH) - our Partnership has significant ambitions and is committed to delivering world-class hospital and community services for the 1.65 million people we serve.
Together we employ nearly 20,000 staff. Our five main hospital sites are Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital, Scunthorpe General Hospital and Goole and District Hospital, for NLAG and Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital for HUTH.
As Teaching Hospitals working with the Hull York Medical School, we both lead and contribute to research in many areas - biomedical research, primary care, palliative medicine, cardiovascular and respiratory medicine, vascular surgery, cancer surgery and oncology.
We believe that by developing a diverse, inclusive, innovative, skilled and caring workforce, we can deliver excellent care to our patients and a great future for our employees, our Partnership and our community.
For further details regarding this vacancy, please see attached full job description and personal specification.
This advert closes on Sunday 20 Apr 2025