Medway Council require an Assistant Team Manager
Team Children in Care
Salary up to £48,695 + £6,000 market premia + £3,000 annual retention payment after 1 years’ service
To assist and support the Team Manager in leading, managing and coaching a team and in supporting the team in safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of vulnerable children and young people through the provision of high quality social work practice, supporting them to achieve their full potential, and living within their family if it is safe to do so. This post is non case holding.
To improve outcomes for children by participating in effective partnership working and engagement and work collaboratively with a range of organisations, statutory and voluntary in delivering services to children and young people.
Deputise for the Team Manager, supervise staff, and support the team practically and emotionally with oversight and support from the Team Manager.
To be competent in all areas of the PCF- Advanced Social Worker level and The Knowledge and Skills Statement (KSS) for practice supervisors.
Line management responsibility for 3 – 4 social workers and to deliver high quality supervision regularly to review case work and critically reflect on the work being undertaken. This includes case management oversight, and timely decision making, the effective implementation and review of children’s plans and provides the opportunity to reflect and recognise areas of practice which are good or requires improvement and supports the ongoing learning and development of. The Team Manager will retain overall responsibility for the team.
Complete and review performance development plans your supervisees which enhance individuals personal and professional development needs and contributes towards staff retention.
Please email your CV to