Injection Molding Supervisor Responsibilities
Supervisors are expected to be active and promote a safe environment and ensure that a quality product is produced that meets/exceeds the expectations of our customer requirements utilizing proper staffing to support the operation that reflects an effective and efficient outcome for Georg Utz. Using clear and precise communication between shifts to avoid unexpected issues and support proper planning while utilizing knowledge and experience to find solutions to problems to meet supplied goals. Below are the responsibilities set forth for IM Supervisors to lead and support their teams. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
* Communicate with shifts (teams) on a day-to-day basis sharing expectations of safety, quality, and production expectations.
* Communicate clearly to oncoming shifts to promote safety, quality, efficiency, and generate cohesion and engagement. Include any pertinent information that will impact the overall plant performance when sharing information.
* Communicate with Process Technicians and Mold Setters to verify that goals are in line with schedule (production demands).
* Create an atmosphere that promotes supervisor approachability and handle unpleasant situations in a professional manner.
* Utilize employees and leads to produce product effectively and efficiently (correctly evaluating needs of each press to distribute employees properly being mindful of workload, correct number of employees at each press). Make decisions to send employees home if not enough work to satisfy Georg Utz needs (monitor staffing levels).
* Confer with HR pending disciplinary actions, attendance issues, etc.
* Confer with the Production Manager as needed or as requested.
* Enforce safe work practices and procedures.
* Having adequate knowledge and skills about the hazards in the work area responsibilities.
* Include safety in all meetings to help promote a safe work environment.
* Lead Safety by being an example. Help people when notice they are struggling, look for trip/slip hazards, correct lifting techniques, etc. Stop unsafe acts when witnessed.
* Train/refresh reports to use necessary tools properly.
* Complete Incident reports turn into HR for record.
* Support production in allowing time for safety training to be completed by operators.
* Report unsafe conditions, so conditions can be evaluated.
* Train all associates on quality requirements/expectations pertaining to assigned task. Visual inspection of all parts that they encounter (Quality Control), color, flash, labeling, short shot, etc.
* Complete visual Quality Control checks on all operating presses several times per shift.
* Evaluate situations determining how scrap will be impacted (scrap rate).
* Assist Quality Assurance in determining proper action to correct reported issues.
* Assist Quality Assurance when available to do so.
* Report Quality issues to Quality to get direction.
* Place nonconforming product on hold and segregate from “good” material.
* Handling rework and special case situations.
* Utilize knowledge and experience to find solutions to problems.
* Attend meetings and clearly communicate to oncoming shifts.
* Check BOM’s posted schedule to confirm daily priorities and correct product.
* Complete administrative paperwork.
* Promote Safety and Quality in all meetings with employees.
* Share metrics with employees (scrap rates, downtime, etc.).
* Finding solutions to problems, aiding in troubleshooting machines and quality issues.
* Training (all aspects required to successfully complete tasks assigned to employee).
* Train associates on how to safely use necessary tools to complete the assigned job.
* Cross training.
* Coordinate operator crews to complete rework or assist in campaigns.
* Assist/Support Quality in training of new employees in quality aspects: handling of part, visual inspection, label placement, etc. (reference Operator Training Manual 303).
* Develop Continuous Improvement projects and follow through to completion to support the efficiency and effectiveness of our current and future goals.
* Organize and direct leads by priority presses and projects, heavy involvement in beginning and ending shift OP schedules/duties to be given.
* Direct Material Handlers and assist when needed (paint bucket changes, feed material to blenders, material identification, moving product with fork truck, etc.).
* Communicate and monitor Process Techs and mold setters to verify that they are on task to support production demands.
* Real-time Quality Control Checks (Supervisor visual inspection) and assist Quality Assurance Department when needed.
* Prep workstations for order changes (correct pallets/paint/first article part station, etc.)
* Verify that secondary equipment is ready for production (hot stamp heated up/blenders on, paint cans, etc.).
* Coaching and training of team leaders and employees.
* Supporting all operators for breaks and lunches.
* Monitoring operators to aid in any assistance when needed.
* Monitor warehouse levels (communicate with the warehouse to determine proper locations to place inventory).
* Monitor warehouse inventory for assembly items (stacking corners/cardboard/label holders etc.) and make sure parties involved are aware of inventory needs.
* Monitor consumable items (snap knives, safety glasses, printer labels, propane tanks, torch heads, etc.).
* Verify inventory levels before closing an order/removing a mold.
* Disciplinary action reports.
* Complete Incident reports.
* Approve reports time sheets.
* Complete items requested outside of normal task assignments to support Georg Utz.
* Set up each press based on product.
* Set up production support on new presses for production.
* General housekeeping – direct and aid cleaning and organizing of department.
* Follow and promote all Georg Utz procedures and policies.
* These responsibilities, if delegated, are still the responsibility of supervisor on shift.