The role of Health Care Facilitator is to ensure the provision of timely, sensitive and professional care and support to people in their own homes. Working with people approaching the end of their life, who may be vulnerable and their families. The Health Care Facilitator has a key role in helping to manage patient’s care through listening to and responding to their personal choices, and dealing with any changes in circumstances. The role involves overseeing and supporting community Health Care Assistants to ensure that patients receive good quality & safe, outcome focused care, supporting choice. This may involve call handling or crisis visits. The role will also include on call responsibilities from 7am as needed to ensure continuity of service and cover any sickness.
Supervisor tasks and responsibilities:
· To fulfil office based duties working with other admin staff, to support accurate rotas which meet all care needs of patients, including commissioned care packages, urgent care and respite/support visits. To work flexibly to support this role when team members are on annual or sick leave. To be responsible for all visits and associated expenses (e.g. mileage & travel time) being logged and recorded accurately. This will involve being competent in the current electronic and manual systems employed to do this, thereby developing accurate payroll, budgetary & invoice information.
· To assist the Manager in monitoring and reviewing care delivered
· To assist the Manager in the management of safe administration of medication as follows:
· Accompanying new staff in the community during their induction and giving support & advice as needed, monitoring & recording their competency levels and providing feedback to the Manager
· Directly observing community carers in the workplace, completing their observation records and providing support and constructive feedback to the carer
· Plan attendance of self and care team at peer group bi monthly. To undertake regular welfare checks with care staff and feedback any issues to the teamleader/manager.
· To be fully aware of the Care Quality Commission’s Essential Standards of Care and assist in the organisation’s Quality Management System
As part of the role the Health Care Facilitator will be required to provide care, and needs to:
· Be flexible to provide hands on care as part of Rapid Response as needed, either alone or with one of the Registered Nurses, to ensure needs are met and held until alternative care is sought.
· Understand and implement the agreed care plan. Offering patient’s choice and helping to maintain their independence. Ensuring their safety and comfort and supporting their family/carers.
· Communicate effectively and appropriately with individuals and their families, paying particular attention if they have learning difficulties, hearing or speech problems. Being kind, empathetic and calm at all times.
· Carry out personal care tasks with individuals while preserving their privacy and dignity, including washing, dressing, providing assistance to get up /go to bed, assist with meals, feeding, and continence management. Being a role model to other team members when working together and upholding the Hospice's high standards of care.
· Encourage/support mobility and the use of equipment in the home & abide by Moving and Handling Guidelines. Monitoring when additional help from Occupational Therapy and Specialist Physiotherapy input will ensure safety and choice to remain at home at the End of Life.
· Carry out any essential domestic duties as agreed in the care plan.
· Keep accurate records at all times, both electronic and in the home.
· Ensure all duties are carried out in a confidential way, preserving the dignity and respect of the individual and taking into account their wishes/choices wherever possible. Being a role model to the team to ensure confidentiality and professional working is maintained at all times.
· Attend all mandatory and specialist training courses relevant to your job as well as attending supervision sessions.
· Work to a rota system, this includes unsociable hours (weekend/evening working) & be reliable and punctual. Work to an on call rota having the confidence to manage last minute staff sickness and difficulties effectively. - Maintaining service continuity to vulnerable service users.
· Health & Safety is an integral part of any role within SPDNS. You are required to be familiar with and comply with SPDNS Health and Safety Polices which include incident reporting, and related policies & procedures.
· Ensuring that standard principles of infection prevention and control are followed at all times to protect individuals and colleagues from infection.
· Safeguarding individuals at all times and reporting any concerns to your Manager immediately as per SPDNS Policy. Safeguarding means your responsibility for ensuring the safety of the individuals you are caring for and protecting them from abuse of any kind.
· Be responsible for ensuring wherever possible that you gain consent from the patient (or their representative) when you commence providing care. Where consent cannot be gained that you always act in the best interests of the individual for day to day decisions according to guidelines in the Mental Capacity Act 2005
Other duties: The post holder may be required to undertake any other duties, or provide support, appropriate to the level of the post.