What skills and experience we're looking for
Job Description Strategic Purpose
The basic duties of a class teacher are outlined in the latest School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document. S/he shall maintain a good understanding of whole school curriculum, assessment and pastoral policies.
Core responsibilities
Prepare and plan work in accordance with schemes of work and national curriculum requirements; including subject expertise
Take account of children’s prior levels of attainment and progress and use them to set future targets
Maintain good order and discipline, by modelling behaviour and following the school’s behaviour policies and procedures, that encourages a sense of responsibility and consideration for others
Ensure punctuality and establish a purposeful working atmosphere during all learning activities
Maintain excellent classroom management with due regard to health and safety policies
Set appropriate and challenging work for all children
Identify and work appropriately with SEND children, more able, Pupil Premium and any other vulnerable groups of children
To be confident and competent using ICT to support teaching and learning; including the use of Arbor, though not essential
Learning environment is stimulating and supportive of teaching and learning
Assessment, recording and reporting:
Keep appropriate records of children’s work including the use of Arbor
Mark and return work set, including any homework within an agreed and reasonable time
Use the school’s Marking and Feedback guidance
Carry out assessment programmes, as agreed by the school
Complete records of achievement and behaviour in line with school policy
Complete children’s reports in line with school policy. Attend parents’ evenings as required and keep parents informed about their child’s performance, attendance, achievements, behaviour and future targets
Pastoral work:
Monitor and set targets for the academic progress of all children in the class (Arbor)
Endeavour to build up a good relationship with the children, so that they will look to the teacher for support and advice
Support and contribute SMSC across the school
Command high standards of children behaviour and conduct at all times and support the school in its application of related policies
Report issues of concern to the appropriate senior staff
Maintain an accurate register of attendance (Arbor) and do everything possible to encourage good attendance and punctuality
The teacher will be part of the school’s appraisal scheme. The Assistant Headteacher and or Headteacher will set agreed targets for the year. The Assistant Headteacher and or Headteacher will monitor and review performance, including classroom teaching. The school will support the continuing professional development of all staff, to ensure that their expertise is being kept up to date
Attend and contribute to team and staff development meetings; participating in a positive way to the decision-making processes and ensuring any issues causing concern/requiring debate appear as an item on team/management agendas
In relation to the school’s ‘Self Evaluation Form’, contribute towards the goals and targets
Continue and to maintain a professional interest in educational initiatives and developments
Communicate and consult with the parents/carers of children/specialist agencies
Develop and maintain good relationships, interaction and co-operation within school and between school and home
Conditions of employment:
The above responsibilities are subject to the general duties and responsibilities contained in the written statement of conditions of employment (the contract of employment)
The post holder is required to actively promote, support and encourage the school’s ethos and its objectives, through good practice, policies and procedures as agreed by the governing body
To uphold and comply with the school's policy in respect of child protection and safeguarding matters
S/he shall be subject to all relevant statutory requirements as detailed in the most recent School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document
Attention is also drawn to the requirements for planning, preparation and assessment time under which all teachers at a school with timetabled teaching commitments have a contractual entitlement to guaranteed PPA time within the timetabled teaching week
The amount of guaranteed PPA time should be set as a minimum of at least 10% of a teacher’s timetabled teaching time
The post holder may be required to perform any other reasonable tasks after consultation
This job description allocates duties and responsibilities but does not direct the particular amount of time to be spent on carrying them out and no part of it may be so constructed
This job description is not necessarily a comprehensive definition of the post. It will be reviewed at least once a year and it may be subject to modification at any time after consultation with the post holder
All staff members are required to participate in the school’s appraisal scheme
What the school offers its staff
ü The support of a friendly, hard-working and committed group of staff and governors who work together to achieve success
ü Promotion of work-life balance
ü To play a significant part in CPD of our school
ü Enthusiastic children, who are proud of their school and passionate about their learning
ü Engaged and supportive parents
ü Awareness of physical health and mental wellbeing
Commitment to safeguarding
The successful candidate will have to meet the requirements of the person specification, job description and will be subject to an enhanced DBS check. The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.