The Communications Manager will manage regional and national communications as part of the Research Delivery Network (RDN) Communications Team, dispersed across the 12 Regional Research Delivery Networks (RRDN) and the RDN Coordinating Centre. As a senior member of the RDN Communications Team, the Communications Manager will provide a high quality, professional and proactive communications service to the RDN regionally and nationally, and will report to the RRDN Head of Strategy, Engagement and Inclusion. The Communications Manager will adopt and share the best practice approach to their work and support the RDN in achieving its objectives and ensuring it delivers the best communications service, including developing new channels and opportunities to reach colleagues and communities, where engagement and involvement is needed the most. This role will take responsibility for RDN communication using a range of different channels that will promote the reputation of the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Research Delivery Network (RDN) as a high-quality health and care research organisation. They will lead the delivery of a corporate communication strategy and associated communication activities, engagement events and marketing initiatives to enable the RDN to deliver on its strategic objectives and showcase the RDNs impact. This role will have line management responsibility for the Communications Officer. Line management of staff members will include undertaking staff reviews to identify training and development needs, and establishing how those needs will be met, and managing performance against agreed objectives. The postholder will ensure the same review processes take place for all staff with the defined function via appropriate line management arrangements and that skills and capabilities exist to meet current and future business needs. ROLE OF THE NIHR RESEARCH DELIVERY NETWORK The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) has 12 Regional Research Delivery Networks across the U.K. These work with the national Coordinating Centre (RDNCC) and the Department of Health and Social Care to provide a joint RDN leadership function via the RDN Board, so that the NIHR RDN operates as a single, transparent organisation with a shared vision and purpose. Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is Host Organisation for the Yorkshire RRDN region. The RDN supports the effective and efficient initiation and delivery of funded research across the health and care system in England for the benefit of patients, the health and care system and the economy. The RDN supports: Clinical trials and other well-designed health and social care research studies (including studies that are delivered outside of an NHS setting); Public health studies that require the recruitment of individuals within an NHS setting (that is, acute, ambulance, mental health, community or primary care) or an episode of care which involves contact with the NHS. The RRDNs have three key roles: Providing support to research sites to enable the effective and efficient initiation and delivery of funded research across the health and care system in England. Enabling the strategic development of new and more effective research delivery capability and capacity. This includes bringing research to under-served regions and communities with major health and care needs. Working jointly with the Coordinating Centre in the strategic oversight of the NIHR RDN. This ensures that the Portfolio is maintained as a cohort of high-quality, fully funded, viable and deliverable studies. It will also ensure that the NIHR RDN serves the research delivery needs of investigators and R&D teams and is responsive to the changing domestic and global environment for health and care, life sciences and health research.