Inconjunction with the Orthotic Administration Manager foster and maintain an appropriate, robust, and sustainable Orthotic administrative service, ensuring appropriate supervision through implementation of staff rotas for all the admin coordinators, including supervision for leave and sickness to ensure continued service and awareness for all Orthotic clinic and service queries. Promote a culture of professional and personal learning and development for continuous improvement and best practice, ensuring improved patient care, more motivated flexible staff with reduced costs an aim within department, thus benefitting both patient and Trust. Investigate and manage patient complaints, ensuring the Admin Service Manager and Service Lead are informed. Conduct weekly supervision on clinic utilisation, waiting times, DNA figures for continuous review and improvement for patients, department, and Trust. Provide guidance and support to other departments such as Access or Validation in managing key projects or timelines to ensure RTT and all patients follow ups are managed accordingly with Trust timelines and policy. Cross cover with another Orthotic admin services supervisors, sharing responsibilities across all Orthotics locations as and when necessary, as directed by line management. Ensure all information is secure and confidentiality of information and data is maintained at all times. Provide excellent customer care which may include providing / receiving complex and sensitive information, with distressed and anxious patients and relatives, treating them with tact and empathy. Ensure the professional image of the Trust and Trust values are maintained at all times. There is a frequent requirement for sitting or standing in a restricted position for a substantial proportion of the working time. There is in addition a large amount of manual handling requiring physical effort, frequent requirement for Concentration with an unpredictable work pattern. Requirement to use VDU equipment for a continuous period. Use multiple computer systems as required within the department such as PAS, NHS e-referrals, Careflow or Sharepoint to manage patient care. Ensure accurate and up-to-date patient details are maintained on patient information systems such as PAS, Careflow in line with Trust Information policies. Maintain health records and patient files in line with Trust Health Records Policy. On-going review and development of the administrative service to best meet the needs of patients with reference to the Trusts strategic direction. Plan and execution of service development projects with complex issues and multiple interdependencies. Anticipate potential issues arising from service development and taking appropriate action to mitigate them. Devise new ways of working, including the initiation and development of Standard Operating Procedures. Support effective workforce planning to ensure the Trust has an administrative workforce aligned to its strategic objectives. Effective engagement with stakeholders during the development and implementation of specific projects. Coordination of complaint responses related to administrative services, including meeting patients and relatives as and when required. Development and execution of action plans in response to patient complaints. Coordination of investigations into clinical incidents related to administrative issues and the development of action plans arising from those investigations. Ensure that appropriate risk assessments are undertaken and acted upon for administrative services within the function. Lead on developing processes within the department to meet the demands of a growing service. Contribute to audits regarding departmental procedures. Make and receive telephone calls both external and internal according to Trust standards. Communicate effectively including oral discussion and written communication. Proactively manage email communication in line with the Trust guidance. Provide excellent customer care, in a calm and professional manner some situations may be difficult and challenging. Organise and/or support team meetings through effective communication. Undertake training as required to maintain competency/comply with Trust policies. Work within Trust policies including those for confidentiality, data protection, health and safety fire protection, and annual appraisal. Adhere to the Trust Access Policy, Health Records Policy and Key Performance Indicators, government targets and standard operational policies and procedures.