Supporting practices to implement the lessons from SMI annual health check pilot work. Continuation of interoperability and bridging the primary-secondary care gap. Building SMI multi-disciplinary teams within practices and across practices- bringing in other mental health transformation roles. Expert patient coproduction, learning from lived experience. Work to encourage the uptake of individuals that have not attended annual health checks. Including the identification of barriers and working with partner agencies to address them including but not limited to connections with prisons and housing. Work to close the loop of a health check, ensuring checks lead to support and interventions. To represent PGPA at Emotional Health & Wellbeing Alliance meetings. Reviewing national Quality Outcomes Framework to support practices to understand and implement any changes relating to SMI. Reviewing and supporting the implementation of national guidance including Improving physical health of individuals with SMI Presenting lessons learned and best practice at learning events Providing regular updates to stakeholders within steering group. Preparing monthly highlight reports using PGPA template