The candidate will be able to gain experience of a wide range of methods and will beencouraged to develop their scientific skills. Continuous Professional Development isactively encouraged. The department is committed to supporting further study and has an ongoing programme of education and training. Our UKAS accredited departments are well equipped with Beckman-Coulter DxH900 Unicell track systems. Beckman-Coulter AutomatedSample Sorter, Stago STAR-Max2 coagulation instrumentation, Beckman-CoulterDxI 800s and Alegria Immunoassay platform, Alifax ESR analyser, TOSOH G11 Analyser, as well as the Winpath LIMS system,Remisol Advance middleware and iPAW sample sorting and archiving systems. TheBlood Transfusion laboratory is centralised at the Northumbria Specialist EmergencyCare Hospital providing services to all acute, general and community sites and iswell equipped with multiple Ortho analysers, Ortho middleware, Winpath LIMSsystem and MSoft blood tracking system. Although the post will be based at Northumbria Specialist Emergency Care Hospitalwe are one team and you will also be required to work in Haematology at NorthTyneside General Hospital and Wansbeck General Hospital. You will work in allsections of Haematology and Blood Transfusion and participate in the 24/7 shift rotaat NSECH.