At the core of this role is to uphold and support the College mission statement. The primary responsibilities are for learning, teaching and pupil progress – preparing and delivering an engaging curriculum, monitoring and assessing pupil progress and providing appropriate pastoral support to pupils within your care.
It is a presumption of main scale teachers that they are working within the parameters outlined in the Teachers’ Standards (England) 2012, and as they progress from M1 to M6 do so with increasing confidence and consistency. Performance management will therefore be expected to comment positively upon the level of confidence and consistency in the Teachers’ Standards evidenced in the teacher’s performance. It is a presumption of UPS teachers that they are (a) confidently and consistently working within the parameters outlined in the Teachers’ Standards (England) 2012;
(b) Furthermore, in becoming a UPS teacher, they have demonstrated and therefore committed to continue to make a significant, substantial and sustained contribution to the successful development of the College, its staff and pupils, as outlined in the Post-Threshold Standards. Performance management will therefore be expected to comment positively upon both (a) and (b) above.
To support and apply the aims and ethos of the College
To follow agreed policies for communication within the College
To comply with the College’s Health and Safety policy
To promote equal opportunities within the College and to seek to ensure the implementation of the College’s Equal Opportunities policy
To promote the Every Child Matters agenda
To maintain up to date information that may be used for management purposes (including the College Self-Evaluation Form and Faculty Self-Evaluation Form and Improvement Plan)
To comply with other College, faculty and departmental documentation and procedures as appropriate
To attend College public events, including Open Evening, Mass for the Feast of St Edward and Founders’ Day
To attend relevant parent/subject teacher review meetings
To complete cover for absent colleagues in accordance with national guidelines
To complete appropriate supervisory duties, as per the rota, during break time, lunchtime, before school and after school
a) Pupils
To adopt a range of methods to teach, according to their educational needs, pupils assigned to allocated classes, including the setting and marking of work in accordance with College policy
To make appropriate use of the College rewards system to
recognise and encourage good effort by pupils
To maintain discipline in accordance with the College’s Behaviour
and Discipline Policy and apply appropriate and effective measures
in cases of misbehaviour.
To promote good pupil practice with regard to punctuality, standards of work and uniform regulations
To monitor the progress of pupils and maintain up to date records
To contribute towards the process of target setting within the
To ensure pupils are regularly assessed in accordance with College policy
To report pupil progress to parents using the College reporting system
To prepare pupils for external examinations
To take attendance registers for all lessons
To raise, where appropriate, concerns over pupil progress (group or individual)
b) Curriculum
To maintain up to date subject knowledge
To plan lessons and prepare appropriate resources, matched to learning objectives
To make appropriate and effective use of ICT to deliver the curriculum and promote the use of ICT amongst pupils
c) Resources
To assist the Head of Faculty / Department in identifying resource needs and contribute to the effective and efficient use of physical resources
To cooperate with other staff in ensuring a sharing and effective usage of resources to the benefit of the College, the department and pupils
To take responsibility for teaching resources used during lessons
d) Staff
Where appropriate, to support the work of trainee teachers and newly qualified teachers
Where relevant, to provide appropriate direction to Learning Support Assistants
To attend departmental and faculty meetings and contribute towards departmental development
e) Development
To undergo Performance Management, as laid down in the College Performance
Management Policy
To participate in regular in-service training (INSET) as part of continuing professional development
Classroom teachers are expected to undertake the role of form tutor and as such will have responsibility for the following:
To mark an attendance register and monitor pupils’ attendance and punctuality
To pursue parental authorisation for absences and amend registers as appropriate
To commence each morning with a daily act of worship, which is recognisably Catholic in character
To deliver the EPR and Personal Development programmes in keeping with published schemes of work
To prepare and deliver year group assemblies as per the published rota
To write pastoral reports
To keep a record of rewards and sanctions received by members of the form group
To liaise with subject staff and Head of House to improve achievement and help resolve academic difficulties, as appropriate
To provide pastoral support and guidance to ensure the pastoral welfare of members of the form group
To liaise with parents as appropriate
To attend relevant pastoral meetings
To attend Parent / Form Teacher Review meetings as appropriate
To write personal references for pupils (for example, UCAS references in Year 13) A classroom teacher is line managed by his/her Head of Department or Head of Faculty (curriculum role)
and Head of Year(pastoral role) and is accountable for the responsibilities outlined above.
In addition to the responsibilities outlined above, a Classroom Teacher is expected to be flexible and may be asked, within reason, to perform other duties, determined through negotiation with his / her line