OPERATIONS CONTROLLER (COLLECTIONS) Reference number: ECO00595 Salary Range: Grade 8 - £39,513 - £43,693 About The Service We are seeking an enthusiastic and detail-oriented Operations Controller to join our innovative Waste Collections frontline team. As an Operations Controller, you will play a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth and efficient operation of our waste services, maintaining a high standard of service for the residents of Cardiff. About the job Oversee and manage daily operations to ensure optimal performance and compliance with regulatory and council standards. Collaborate with various departments to streamline processes and enhance overall efficiency. Facilitate communications between the Collections and Transport Manager and frontline teams, ensuring services are fully resourced and operational issues are addressed within budget constraints. Analyse data and generate reports to provide insights and support decision-making. Lead and mentor a team, fostering a positive and productive work environment. With millions of waste collections occurring annually, you will be integral to the city's efforts to maintain cleanliness and sustainability. Your role will directly contribute to the well-being of the community and the environment while ensuring excellent service delivery and adherence to Health and Safety policies and procedures. What We Are Looking For From You Proven experience in operations management, preferably within a waste collections environment. Essential understanding of transport management. Experience working within a large operational team and possessing excellent organisational skills. Strong analytical capabilities with the ability to interpret complex data and make informed decisions. Excellent communication and leadership abilities. Proactive and adaptable mindset, capable of tackling challenges and driving continuous improvement. Ability to thrive in a dynamic and fast-paced environment, where no two days are the same, and be willing to make a significant impact. Why Join Us? Be part of a forward-thinking team that values innovation and excellence in service delivery. Enjoy a supportive and collaborative work culture. Access professional development opportunities to aid your growth and success. Rheolwr Gweithrediadau (Casgliadau) Cyfeirnod: ECO00595 Ystod Cyflog: Gradd 8 - £39,513 - £43,693 Am Y Gwasanaeth Rydym yn chwilio am Rheolwr Gweithrediadau brwdfrydig a manylion i ymuno 'n tm arloesol Gwasanaethau Casglu Gwastraff. Fel Rheolwr Gweithrediadau, byddwch yn chwarae rhan allweddol wrth sicrhau gweithrediad llyfn ac effeithlon ein gwasanaethau gwastraff, gan gynnal safon uchel o wasanaeth i drigolion Caerdydd. Am Y Swydd Goruchwylio a rheoli gweithrediadau dyddiol i sicrhau perfformiad gorau posibl a chydymffurfiaeth safonau rheoleiddiol a chyngor. Cydweithio gwahanol adrannau i symleiddio prosesau ac ehangu effeithlonrwydd cyffredinol. Hwyluso cyfathrebu rhwng y Rheolwr Casgliadau a Thrafnidiaeth a thimau rheng flaen, gan sicrhau bod gwasanaethau'n llawn adnoddau a bod materion gweithredol yn cael eu datrys o fewn cyfyngiadau cyllideb. Dadansoddi data a chynhyrchu adroddiadau i ddarparu mewnwelediadau a chefnogi gwneud penderfyniadau. Arwain a mentora tm, gan feithrin amgylchedd gwaith cadarnhaol a chynhyrchiol. Gyda miliynau o gasgliadau gwastraff yn digwydd yn flynyddol, byddwch yn hanfodol i ymdrechion y ddinas i gynnal glendid a chynaliadwyedd. Bydd eich rl yn cyfrannu'n uniongyrchol at les y gymuned a'r amgylchedd tra'n sicrhau cyflwyno gwasanaeth rhagorol a chydymffurfiaeth pholisau a gweithdrefnau Iechyd a Diogelwch. Beth Rydym Ei Eisiau Gennych Profiad profedig mewn rheoli gweithrediadau, yn ddelfrydol o fewn amgylchedd casgliadau gwastraff. Dealltwriaeth hanfodol o reoli trafnidiaeth. Profiad o weithio o fewn tm gweithredol mawr a meddu ar sgiliau trefnu rhagorol. Gallu dadansoddol cryf gyda'r gallu i ddehongli data cymhleth a gwneud penderfyniadau gwybodus. Gallu cyfathrebu a arwain rhagorol. Meddylfryd rhagweithiol ac addasadwy, yn gallu ymdrin heriau a gyrru gwelliant parhaus. Gallu ffynnu mewn amgylchedd deinamig a chyflym, lle nad yw dau ddiwrnod yr un fath, a bod yn barod i wneud effaith sylweddol. Pam Ymuno Ni? Bod yn rhan o dm sy'n gwerthfawrogi arloesedd a rhagoriaeth mewn cyflwyno gwasanaethau. Mwynhau diwylliant gwaith cefnogol a chydweithredol. Mynediad at gyfleoedd datblygiad proffesiynol i gynorthwyo eich twf a llwyddiant.