This is a full time post (10 PAs) working Monday to Friday with no on call commitment. It is a fixed term post for a period of 12 months initially however there is potential for this post to become permanent by mutual agreement.
The post is aimed at a surgeon who has completed their Orthopaedic training and has gained or is about to complete the FRCS(Orth.) There will be sessions at both the Royal Blackburn Hospital and also Burnley General Hospital.
The post holder will work with the T&O department, gaining experience from working with multiple Consultants of various subspecialties including upper limb, lower limb, paediatrics and foot and ankle.
There will be an opportunity to practiceindependently based on competency levels.Thepostholderwillattendbothelective orthopaedicand traumafractureclinicsandoperateonelective and trauma patients.
TraumaservicesforthelocalpopulationareprovidedontheRoyalBlackburnTeachingHospitalsite.Elective surgery is provided on the Burnley General Teaching Hospital site.
Outpatient clinics are based at Burnley General Teaching Hospital and Royal Blackburn Teaching Hospital. Peripheral Orthopaedic clinics are held in Rossendale, Pendle, Clitheroe and Accrington.
Thedepartment providesageneralOrthopaedicandacutetrauma servicetothepopulationof East Lancashire.
1. To provide ahigh standardof caretoanypatientforwhomyouhave clinical responsibility.Thiswill include anypatients referred to youand caredforbyyoupersonallyorby membersof yourteam.
2. Toparticipateinclinicalandotherserviceactivitiesanddevelopmentswiththeaimofensuringahigh standard of patient care across the Trust.
3. Undertakeclinicalactivitiesasrequiredbythespecialtyneed.
4. Toworkincloseco-operationwithothermedical,professionalandmanagerialcolleagues,bothwithinand outside the specialty, to provide high quality health care to the Trust’s patients.
5. To participatefullyinand share leadershipof the clinicalgovernanceof the specialtycovering itsTrust-wideactivities.
6. Toparticipateactivelyindepartmentalaudits,sharingco-ordinationofauditactivitieswithinthedepartment and implementation of change.
7. Totakeanactiveresponsibilityforundergraduateandpostgraduateteaching,trainingandsupervision.
This advert closes on Tuesday 4 Feb 2025