Assistant Professor in Translation Studies
The Department of Comparative Literature and the Program of Translation Studies at Binghamton University seek an Assistant Professor in Translation Studies with interests in the languages and literatures of the Middle East, particularly Arabic.
The ideal candidate will have a strong comparatist background or a degree in comparative literature.
Teaching responsibilities will include offering graduate seminars and undergraduate courses in Translation Studies and Comparative Literature, offering translation workshops, and supervising graduate students.
Teaching load is 2/2. The successful candidate will have a tenure berth in Comparative Literature and a courtesy title with Translation Studies.
Requirements: Applicants are expected to have a PhD.
Application Instructions: Interested candidates should submit the following items electronically: a cover letter, a vita, a brief research statement, a writing sample, and 3 letters of reference. Please use the following link for the complete job posting: Review of applications will begin February 26, 2017, and continue until the position is filled.