Job Description
Senior Economist - (Economic determinants of health)
HoursPerweek:37.5hoursperweekyou will be required to work in - Person a minimum of two days per week. linewithourhybrid working model,
Healthisourmostprecious asset.Goodhealthenablesustolivehappy,fulfillinglives,fuelsour prosperity, and helps build a stronger society. YetgoodhealthremainsoutofreachfortoomanypeopleintheUKandservicesarestrugglingto provide access to timely, high-quality.
Itdoes nothavetobelikethis.OurmissionistohelpbuildahealthierUKby:
* Improvingpeople'shealthandreducingin equalities
* Supportingradicalinnovationandimprovementinhealthandcareservices
* Providingevidenceandanalysistoimprovehealthandcarepolicy.
Weaimforexcellenceacrossourworkand willachievethisbyproducingresearchandanalysis, shapingpolicy and practice,buildingskills,knowledge, andcapacity, and actingas acatalystforchange.
Everyonehasastakeandaparttoplayinimprovingourhealth.Byworkingtogether,wecanbuilda healthier UK.
TheHealthy Livesdirectorate has an ambitious strategy to improve the publics health and reduce health inequalities through action on the wider determinants of health. The greatest influences on people's health and wellbeingcome from outside health care. These includefactors such as education, employment, housing,and community.
As part of the Healthy Lives analytical team, you will support those aims by producing innovative and novel analysis to help raise awareness of, and make the case for greater action on, the determinants of health and inequalities in the UK.
As senior economist you will lead on identifying, developing, and delivering a portfolio of analysis and research in support of our strategy to improve health and reduce inequalities.
You will further develop our flagship Evidence Hub which brings together key analysis of health, inequalities and the social and economic factors that influence them, including poverty, housing, employment, and transport. The wider determinants of health. This involves managing the external contractor, with support from our programme management team, providing the core analysis and curating future content.
You will also lead and develop a programme of work on the role of health in the economy, with a focus on economic growth and productivity, and lead our work to make the case for a prevention approach to public services.Some key areas of accountability would be:
* Identifying, developing, and leading the production, or external commissioning of innovative research and analysis, drawing on existing research programmes, latest research methods and new data sources.
* Providing clear interpretation and communication of complex findings, from their own research or that of others, to a wide range of audiences including the public, policy makers, researchers, and academics.
* Developing the skills and capabilities of staff under direct line management and supporting the development of the wider analytical capability of the Healthy Lives directorate.
Our priority is to find the right individual for each opportunity. We are dedicated to building an inclusive workplace that values diversity and invite you to findout more. You can find the job descriptionforthisroleHere.Ifyouwouldliketo apply,pleasesubmityourCV,andAnswerthe following application questions using no more the 1500 words in total:
* What experience do you have of research and analysis to inform policy?
* What experience do you have of using statistical packages and analysis of household surveys?
* Explain your knowledge and expertise you have in relation to the wider determinants of health, such as, but not limited to, employment, housing, education, and income?
* Thinking of a project or programme you have previously worked, what impact has it had and how did you seek to have influence?
We are committed to an inclusive hiring process, where every candidate has the chance to showcase their unique skills and experience in an accessible, and supported environment, to ensure that we can make the best appointment for each job on merit.
We welcome applicants from all backgrounds andencourage those from underrepresented groups in this field to apply to us.
We have identified three diverse groups, in particular, we want to achieve a better balance across our organisation between men and women, increase representation of people from Blackandethnicminoritybackgrounds and recruitmore people withdisabilities. Aspartofthis commitment, we particularly welcome applications from these groups. Apply to join our team andlet usworktowardsbuildingadiverseandinclusiveworkplacetogether.
Closingdate:February 2, 2025,23:59
Interviewdate:W/C February 10, 2025