Patient assessment The ability to interview & examine a patient incorporating subjective & objective elements in order to identify problems to be treated and/or goals of treatment. Clinical reasoning The ability to analyse clinical findings by applying appropriate theory & principles & synthesising them with the assessment findings in order to justify the treatment approach Apply a high level of theory & advanced principles relating them to assessment findings in complex cases Know limitations Can analyse most complex problems Identify problems / goal setting Be able to define a patients problems & set prioritised mutually agreed timely goals. Apply a high level of theory & advanced principles relating them to assessment findings in complex cases. Can assess complex patients. Takes a holistic view using a breadth of clinical knowledge Apply advanced testing Application of treatment modalities Safe & effectively apply physiotherapeutic skills to achieve specific outcomes Select & apply a broad range of modalities efficiently & effectively justify selection of modality Contribute to discharge planning in the multidisciplinary team Achieve discharge without guidance for the majority of patients. Progress management plan an achieve discharge The ability to progress the management plan towards achieving the agreed goals & ultimately discharge the patient from Physiotherapy. Use reflective practice to improve patient care. Able to progress treatment with most patients. Contribute to discharge planning in the multidisciplinary team Achieve discharge without guidance for the majority of patients. Able to give advice to others Know when to seek advice Patient clinical records The recording of all clinical contact in a manner consistent with recognised professional standards. Keep accurate records in accordance with local standards & national, legal requirements. Records show evidence of clinical reasoning Instruct others in recording Monitor juniors record Please ensure you read through the job description that is attached in the supporting information section for a comprehensive list of duties.