All posts we recruit require a female applicant and exempt under Schedule 9, Part 1 of the Equality Act 2010, Schedule 9, and Part 1. Section 7(2)e of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975. TITLE: Justice Advocacy Practitioner HOURS: 28 hours per week CONTRACT TERM: 10 months SALARY: £28,687 PENSION ENTITLEMENT 6% ANNUAL LEAVE ENTITLEMENT 27 days personal plus 12 days Public Holidays (all pro rata) RESPONSIBLE TO: Service Manager (Justice Advocacy and Prevention) Purpose of the post: The overall aim of this post is to provide support and justice advocacy to survivors who are engaged, or considering engaging, with the criminal justice system following an experience of sexual violence. A Summary of main responsibilities and activities 1. Provide a support and advocacy service to survivors of sexual violence engaging, or considering engaging, with the criminal justice system following an experience of sexual violence, along with their family and supporters where appropriate. 2. Provide emotional and practical support to survivors of sexual violence whose cases do not proceed to court, including access to follow on services. 3. Develop and ensure the effective implementation of relevant referral processes to ensure survivors of sexual violence have enhanced access to support and advocacy services throughout their involvement in the criminal justice process. 4. Work in partnership with relevant agencies to enhance responses to survivors of sexual crimes, including, where appropriate, the development and delivery of training inputs. 5. Publicise the service offered through the advocacy service, to enhance access to the service across voluntary and public sector agencies. 6. Through the local centre, contribute to the development of national policy and strategic work around the criminal justice system and sexual offences through attendance at national advocacy project meetings and provision of information and feedback. 7. Contribute to monitoring and evaluation frameworks to evidence the impact of the advocacy service for survivors of sexual violence and for partner agencies; including production of statistical data and participation in any evaluations which may be commissioned. 8. Attend training as required 9. Participate in regular support and supervision sessions. 10. Participate in team meetings. 11. Any other duties that are relevant to the post and agreed with the Centre Director/line manager. B. Centre specific duties 1. Contribute to the learning and development of staff and volunteers within the Centre in relation to support and advocacy practice and the criminal justice processes. 2. Providing direct support, including crisis support where required, to service users in contact with the Centre. 3. Contribute to the running of the Centre including responding to centre enquiries, assisting with the develop of practice guidance and protocols, offering support cover during staff absence and other agreed duties relevant to the development of services 4. Any other duties as required by the post. Person Specification: Justice Advocacy Practitioner Criteria Essential Desirable Knowledge & Understanding A feminist analysis of sexual violence. Understanding of the impact of rape and sexual abuse. Knowledge of Scottish legislation, policy, and government strategy in relation to rape and sexual violence. Understanding of the factors that may help or hinder reporting or disclosure of sexual violence. Understanding of independent advocacy principles. Experience Experience of providing advocacy, and/or emotional, practical support and information. Experience of working with people affected by trauma. Experience of multi-agency working at both case and policy levels. Experience of working with people experiencing complex trauma. Skills & Abilities Capable of using own initiative and of meeting tight deadlines. Excellent organisational skills, ability to prioritise competing workloads. Skilled in use of IT e.g. for case notes, email, spreadsheets & databases Ability to communicate confidently, professionally and persuasively with a variety of groups, organisations, and agencies. Monitoring, data analysis, and evaluation skills. Report writing skills. Ability to understand and analyse complex or legal information to then advocate on behalf of service users. Ability to break down complex information for service users. Qualifications Rape Crisis Scotland, Violence Against Women, or Gender Based Violence training. Other Commitment to equality & diversity and anti-discriminatory practice. Ability to work flexibly and to do evening/weekend work as required. Ability to meet the travel requirements of the post, which will include travel to court and other criminal justice related meetings, national training events. Hold a current clean driving licence and access to a car with business use insurance (postholders will be required to travel to appointments across Lanarkshire and court hearings in Glasgow)