1.0 Personal Responsibilities 1.1 To always behave in a professional manner, being aware of how attitudes and personal behaviour can impact on patient care and the team. 1.2 To work within a multi-professional team and respecting patient diversity, rights, and beliefs when different from ones own. Interacting within a professional manner and effectively with the team. 1.3 Report immediately to a member of clinical staff or Practice Manager any acts of omission or error to safeguard the interests of the patient. 1.4 To present her/himself at all times in a manner that is open and honest and will work in partnership with patients, colleagues, and the public to enhance confidence, competence, and best practice. 1.5 To deal, always, politely and respectfully using civilised language and behaviour, with all patients and colleagues. Aggressive, abusive, threatening, or violent behaviour is not accepted. 1.6 To present a caring and efficient image and to present themselves in a reasonable way, with due regard to social acceptability, tidiness, and personal hygiene. 1.7 To wear the agreed uniform in a clean and presentable condition with safe and suitable footwear. The uniform will comply with Health and Safety, Infection Control guidelines. Jewellery will be kept to a minimum. 2.0 Clinical Duties 2.1 It is anticipated HCAs will develop skills in respecting patients rights, preferences, choices, culture, identity, communication, Health and Safety and promoting health. 2.2 To be aware of always maintaining patient confidentiality unless the HCA has concerns with regard the personal safety/wellbeing of the patient or that of others. In these circumstances it is expected that the HCA will share the information with the registered nurse mentor or other appropriate health team member. 2.3 To be aware of his/her boundaries of work to prevent harm to the patient, understand the term Duty of Care and to always act in the best interests of the patient. 2.4 Will not undertake any task or element of care until he/she has been assessed as competent by an appropriately trained registered nurse. 2.5 To act in such a manner as to always support the patient and being mindful of the need to reduce anxiety for the patient. 2.6 To act as a chaperone as required to GPs, Nurse Practitioners and Practice Nurses. 2.7 To maintain standards of organisation in the treatment, practice, and GP rooms. 2.8 To assist in general nursing duties on completion of a training programme and the successful assessment of a set standard competency level and under the supervision of Practice Nursing Team, i.e., urine testing, weight/height, blood pressure measurements, ECG recording, phlebotomy, routine injections and participate in flu clinics. 2.9 To be responsible for the correct maintenance and cleaning of surgical equipment, including the sterilising of surgical instruments in accordance with current Health and Safety Practice Policies and Procedures. 2.10 To be responsible for the re-stocking of all clinical areas and maintaining a stock rotation system. 2.11 To maintain an adequate number of clinical supplies and health promotion materials as agreed with GPs/Nursing Team and to restock all rooms as appropriate. 2.12 To ensure that drug/vaccine refrigerator/s are running at the correct temperature on a daily basis and maintain the Vaccine Cold Chain. Document readings according to Practice Guidelines, as directed by nurse mentor or in the event of out of range readings be aware of the PCT policy and contacts. 2.13 (a) To verbally communicate and record information received and given with relevant persons concerned. (b) To receive document, store and retrieve information electronically using appropriate systems. (c) Messages, where and when appropriate are recorded accurately, concisely, and legibly and in a way that could be used as evidence in any legal proceeding. 2.14 Be aware and maintain standards of Infection control. 2.15 Instruct patient in appropriate techniques or tasks. 3.0 General Duties 3.1 To function as an integral part of the Primary Health Care Team. 3.2 To attend relevant meetings as required. 3.3 To have knowledge of, and act always within, the boundaries of Health and Safety legislation and Data Protection Acts. 3.4 To report immediately to a member of the clinical staff or the Practice Manager any acts of omission or error to safeguard the interest of the patient/client. 4.0 Professional Development 4.1 To identify and liaise regularly with the Nurse Mentor. 4.2 To have awareness of the General Practice Plan. 4.4 To take an appropriate level of responsibility in organising individual annual performance reviews. 4.5 To take responsibility for completing and submitting an annual PDP by the appointed date each year. 4.6 To maintain own clinical development by participating within the Lifelong Learning CPD Programme and any other training relevant to their developing role in negotiation with the nurse mentor and Practice Manager. 4.7 To have clear access to advice and support via Nurse Mentor, Practice Manager and be a member of a Union. It is understood that this job description is not exhaustive may develop with the mutual consent of both parties.