Please see attached Job Description for full details.
The Emergency Care directorate includes Emergency Medicine & Acute Medicine across the South Tyneside and Sunderland Sites. There are two busy EDs both with adjacent admission units and Same Day Emergency Care Units. Clinical assessment is by a team of medical staff and emergency nurse practitioners under the direction of an Acute Physician. Additional in-reach to the Admission Units is provided by specialties. ED admits to the admission units after verbal handover.
There are fast-track options to ambulatory care and admission units after rapid consultant assessment. A number of ambulatory pathways are in place and will be expanded under the Safe and Sustainable Emergency Care programme. GPs access EAU through the GP assessment area. Recruitment to expand Acute Medicine consultant numbers is underway.
ED access to the Coronary Care Unit and Angiography is through the Consultant Cardiologist. Access to the Chest Pain Assessment Unit is via the Cardiology Nurse Practitioners.