Safeguarding/Child Protection To provide high quality early safeguarding and child protection advice, assessments and analysis to the Court on the needs and best interests of children subject to or involved in Family Proceedings To ensure that the well-being and safety of the child is paramount throughout Cafcass' involvement in the case.
To ensure that all incidents or risks of significant harm to the child are dealt with in accordance with the relevant Local Safeguarding Children's Board (LSCB) procedures and Cafcass policies and procedures To directly work with, or on behalf of children & families to achieve safe and positive outcomes for children, referring to other services where this will produce benefit.
1. Exercising statutory authority to safeguard the best interests of children Skills to be demonstrated:
* A high standard of assessment and case analysis
* Ability to produce written work to a high standard
* Communicates effectively and demonstrates empathy with children & families within the family justice system
* Effective communication and joint working with a range of professionals and agencies.
* Negotiation Skills * Ability to work autonomously
* Ability to work to deadlines
* Ability to prioritise
* Confident decision making to work in high conflict situations
* Ability to achieve safe outcomes in areas of conflict
Must be on SWE