To provide a Social Work service to residents who are Ordinary Residents of Stockton. This will include both those with needs identified and their carers. This post will initially be in Adult Learning Disabilities Social Work Team at Wessex House.
1. To provide a Social Work service to clients with a learning disability.
2. To undertake comprehensive assessments of need in conjunction with appropriate staff from other teams and/or agencies in accordance with agreed policies, procedures and guidelines.
3. To undertake and participate in risk assessments and risk management plans and refer to statutory agencies as appropriate, for example: Child Protection, Public Protection and Vulnerable Adults.
4. To promote a personalised approach to support building on the person's wishes and desires.
5. To devise support plans to meet the assessed needs utilising the resources in the local community and the resources available to the individual.
6. To commission an appropriate package of care based upon the overall assessment need with agreed policies and budgetary provision.
7. To identify and feed back to the Team Manager any service provision developments.
8. To ensure re-assessment of need is undertaken within agreed time scales and to determine appropriate continuing support and/or withdrawal of service, as necessary.
9. When appropriate, to undertake carer’s assessments and to assist the carer in completing a support plan to meet their needs.
10. To implement, monitor and review the care and support plan.
* A recognised Social Work Qualification e.g. CQSW, CSS, DipSW.
* Registered with Social Work England.
* Evidence of practical experience with service users, including those with a forensic background and the Ministry of Justice.
* Understand lines of accountability.
* Evidence of practical experience of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards in the community and completing Court of Protection documentation.
* Working knowledge of the Care Act.
* Working knowledge of the Mental Health Act.
* Working knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act.
* Understanding of Departmental Policies and Procedures, including the Equal Opportunity Policy.
* Able to acquire and implement relevant knowledge.
* Effective interpersonal skills (written and verbal).
* Report writing skills and experience (Level K-M).
* Effective organisational skills (Level J-M).
* Able to work as a member of a team (Level J-M).
* Able to liaise effectively with external agencies (Level J-M).
* Able to respond to regular supervision and support (Level J-M).
* Be able to work in a person-centred way ensuring that the person’s wishes and views are taken into consideration (Level J-M).
If you are interested in this role, please do reach out to me via email or telephone!
Telephone: 020 753 766 07