Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer
Job title: Clerk and RFO
Location: Remote Based
Salary: Being the current salary point SCP 7 (LC1 -7) as set out in the 2022 National Agreement on Salaries and Conditions of Service of Local Council Clerks in England and Wales
Allowances: Home working allowance
Hours: 8 hours per week (some evening and weekend hours may be required)
Responsible to: Mochdre Community Council
Directly responsible for: All Council Staff
Indirectly responsible for: Volunteers
As Head of the Paid Service and Proper Officer, to develop and manage policy, strategy and operations across the Council’s provision by working with elected council members, external bodies and staff. To carry out functions required by law of a local authority's Proper Officer and to issue all statutory notifications. To provide inspirational leadership to all Community Council staff. To seek opportunities to develop the Council’s services and facilities to meet the needs of the local community.
1. To be responsible for ensuring that lawful instructions of the Council in connection with its function as a local authority are carried out and to act as the main point of contact on Council business.
2. To work with the Council’s elected members, in accordance with the Council’s constitution, to ensure effective leadership and direction for the Council.
3. To be accountable to the Council for the effective leadership and management of its personnel, operations, assets (e.g. council buildings), finances and other resources.
4. To prepare, in consultation with appropriate members and staff, agendas and minutes for meetings of the Council, its Committee, sub Committees, and Working Parties, to ensure all are prepared for approval.
5. To advise the Council on and assist in the development of policies and implementation plans. Utilize a range of data sources e.g. local and national political trends, and present appropriately to enable decision making by elected members.
6. To ensure the effective implementation of Council’s lawful decisions, policies and projects.
7. To effectively manage the Council’s business planning process, including those associated with service planning reviews, workforce planning and budget preparation.
8. To encourage continuous improvement through quality assurance and performance management.
9. To ensure that SLAs (e.g. for support services) and contracts are adhered to and a positive relationship is maintained.
10. To act as the Responsible Financial Officer and manage the financial records of the Council in accordance with legal requirements and best practice.
11. To seek out opportunities to develop the Council’s services in line with the community’s needs, presenting business cases that identify return on investment, benefits and risks to the Council for decision.
12. To proactively seek and secure external funding, and build partnerships and relationships to support and develop the Council’s services.
13. To ensure the Council’s facilities and programmes are effectively promoted and to prepare, in conjunction with the Council or relevant Committee Chair, press releases about the activities of, or decisions of the Council.
14. To attend relevant training, conferences and forums associated with the role or the development of Council services.
15. To encourage equality of opportunity in all services and facilities for staff, customers and the community.
16. To manage health and safety to ensure the well-being and safety of all who visit or work in the facilities provided by the Council.
17. To carry out any other duties commensurate with the post.
The jobholder is responsible for the following people and resources:
1. Line management of all Council staff.
2. Management of the Council budget including income generation.
3. Liaison with Elected Members, Borough and County Council Councillors.
4. Liaison with volunteers, partners and other stakeholders.
5. Liaison with community representatives.
6. All equipment and supplies utilized in the provision of Council services.
This job entails the following demands:
1. CiLCA qualification or be prepared to achieve within 12 months.
2. Ability to work unsociable hours (e.g. evening meetings).
3. Attention to detail when working on computers for periods of time.
You will be required to undertake any such additional duties as determined by the Council. You will be required to work flexible hours to meet the demands of the business and attend Council meetings and other meetings as a representative of the Council.
The details contained in this job description reflect the job content at the date the job description was prepared. It should be remembered, however, that it is inevitable that over time the nature of the individual’s job will be subject to change; existing duties may be lost and duties gained without changing the general nature of the post and responsibilities entailed.
To apply please send CV below.