Position: Senior Play Worker
Contract: Term time only
Pay Range: Grade 3 - FTE is £24,027 - £24,404
Actual Pay: £4,583 - £4,655
Total Hours: 8 hours and 10 minutes
Work pattern:
1. Monday 7.45am – 8.45am & 3.20pm – 6.00pm
2. Tuesday 7.45am – 9.00am
3. Wednesday 7.45am – 8.45am
4. Thursday 7.45am – 8.45am
5. Friday 7.45am – 9.00am
Employer: Mid-Trent Multi Academy Trust
We are looking to appoint a play worker to join our before and after school club team – known as CHILL. We are looking for someone who enjoys working with children, is caring and understands the importance of safeguarding.
We are looking for someone who:
* Has a caring and friendly nature towards children and other adults.
* Is adaptable and able to work alongside children whether in Reception Class or Year 6 and every class in between.
* Is committed to making the children’s time in CHILL safe, enjoyable and inclusive.
* Has the necessary skills and understanding to record attendance or other necessary paperwork as required (e.g., accident forms).
* Can communicate well with parents and carers, colleagues, and of course children.
* Is willing to attend any necessary training needed to carry out their role.
The successful candidate will be subject to an enhanced DBS check.
Closing Date: Friday 7th March 2025 – 4.00pm
Shortlisting Date: Monday 10th March 2025
Interview Date: Friday 13th March 2025
All application forms should be returned directly to St Andrew’s Church of England Primary School marked for the attention of Mr P Hayward – Headteacher.
School Address: St Andrew’s CE Primary School, Ferrers Road, Weston, Stafford, ST18 0JN
Phone Number: 01889 228769
Email address: office@st-andrews-weston.staffs.sch.uk
School Website: www.st-andrews-weston.staffs.sch.uk
This school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people, and vulnerable adults and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.