Clinical practice To deliver a high standard of patient care as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) or Nurse Practitioner in any care facility (Nursing, Residential and Learning Disability Care Homes), their own homes and for patients of the Practice and PCN with Frailty using advanced autonomous clinical skills and a broad, in-depth knowledge base and experience. To manage a clinical caseload, dealing with patients needs in a Nursing, Residential and Learning Disability Care Home setting, step down (Intermediate Care Beds) and to include frail and vulnerable patients within the Practice. To deliver a high standard of care using autonomous clinical skills and a broad To work efficiently, pro-actively and autonomously to provide consistent and appropriate care to Frail patients often with complex needs. This could be looking after their long term care needs or where they have an acute concern. Instigate and be involved in pro-active and appropriate advanced care planning discussions with all patients and their families and develop personalized care plans according to the patients needs. Prescribing for end-of-life care, completing/ amending Respect forms, Respect discussions with patients, families and care home staff and providing excellent end of life care to patients as appropriate. To have an awareness of all services and support available for frail and vulnerable patient and knowing when to refer on to other services as appropriate. The development and use of referral pathways for ANPs to the local acute NHS Trust services and to Diagnostic and Treatment Centres (where appropriate). To support the SHP leadership team to develop our services for Frail patients (planned and unplanned care) as a key member of our Frailty and Care homes MDT. To mentor and support other Health Care Professionals within the Practice and members of the Care Homes MDT in developing and maintaining clinical skills and knowledge. To build strong connections with the Urgent Community Response (UCR) team, Care home staff, Palliative care nursing staff and Community nursing and therapies To actively contribute to achieving our contractual requirements Assess, diagnose, plan, implement and evaluate treatment/interventions and care for patients presenting with an undifferentiated diagnosis Assess, diagnose, plan, implement and evaluate interventions/treatments for patients with complex needs. Proactively identify, diagnose and manage treatment plans for patients at risk of developing a long-term condition (as appropriate) Assess, treat and educate patients as required, making use of prescribing experience to prescribe safe, effective and appropriate medication as defined by current legislative framework. Prioritise health problems and intervene appropriately to assist the patient in complex, urgent or emergency situations, including initiation of effective emergency care Support patients to adopt health promotion strategies that promote healthy lifestyles, and apply principles of self-care Make professionally autonomous decisions for which you are accountable Book diagnostic investigations as indicated. Refer patients directly to other services/agencies as appropriate Follow up patients as required by clinical need and guidelines within scope of practice Undertake the assessment of pathology reports and direct for further action as warranted Complete medical reports for various agencies, including DWP and insurance companies (where it does not specifically require completion by a GP) Provide Holistic Care as part of an MDT within SHP and with INTs (Integrated Neighbourhood Teams) Delivering a quality service Recognise and work within own competence and professional code of conduct as regulated by the NMC. Produce accurate, contemporaneous and complete records of patient consultation, consistent with legislation, policies and procedures Deliver care according to NICE guidelines and evidence-based care Assess effectiveness of care delivery through self and peer review, benchmarking and formal evaluation Initiate and participate in the maintenance of quality governance systems and processes across the organisation and its activities Utilise the audit cycle as a means of evaluating the quality of the work of self and the team, implementing improvements where required In partnership with other clinical teams, collaborate on improving the quality of health care responding to local and national policies and initiatives as appropriate Support and participate in shared learning across the practice and wider organisation Understand and apply legal issues that support the identification of vulnerable and abused children and adults, and be aware of statutory child/vulnerable patients health procedures and local guidance Act as nurse advisor to other members of the Primary Healthcare team. Encourage and develop teamwork within the practice. Help the practice operate in a cost-effective manner. Identify and manage nursing care risks on a continuing basis. Participate in practice meetings and practice management meetings, reporting progress as required. Participate in audits and inspections as appropriate. Work closely with the doctors and administrative managers in the setting up and/or improving of practice systems for monitoring/measuring performance against Clinical Governance and Quality Indicator targets. Ensure that all Practice Policies are fully implemented. 3. Other Responsibilities Health and Safety To comply with the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. To take responsibility for their own health and safety and that of other persons who may be affected by their own acts or omissions. Equality and Diversity To carry out at all times their responsibilities in line with Equal Opportunities Policy and Procedure. Risk Management and Clinical Governance To work within the Clinical Governance Framework of the practice, incorporating Risk Management and all other quality initiatives and all aspects of CQC implementation. Confidentiality To maintain confidentiality of information relating to patients, clients, staff and other users of the services in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations 2018 including outside of the work environment. Any breach of confidentiality may render an individual liable for dismissal and/or prosecution. Safeguarding Whilst in post, staff are expected to acquire and update their knowledge on safeguarding as per the intercollegiate document requirements and SHP policies. Professional development The post holder will participate in any training programme implemented by the practice as part of this employment To participate in an annual individual performance review, including taking responsibility for maintaining a record of own personal and/or professional development General To undertake any other duties commensurate with the role, within the bounds of their own competence as guided by the attached management framework. To work across the various SHP sites as required. In light of national policy and due to the needs of the business it may be necessary for the Partnership to alter the opening hours of the surgeries. This could incorporate different opening hours and weekend working which may affect when you are required to work. The post holder is expected to be flexible and accommodating, following consultation, in terms of any changes to operating times in the future.