The National Specialty Advisor will provide clinical advice for NHS Englands major programmes of work. They will work with programme senior responsible owners, the National Clinical Director and other stakeholders to develop and deliver the programmes ambitions improving the quality and value of healthcare services and ensuring programmes are clinically focused and credible. The National Specialty Advisor for Children and Young People will be responsible for the provision of high quality clinical advice to drive the governments ambitions to improve outcomes for Children and Young People. Responsibilities will include: Being a senior member of the Children and Young Peoples Transformation Programme, which will include working across many of the national commitments for Children and Young People such as improving care for long-term conditions, reducing infant mortality and redesigning the transition to adult services. Working with Local Systems to support them with transforming services for children and young people and delivering on local plans. This will include working with ICB Children and Young Peoples programme teams. Input into other key NHS programmes of work such as specialised commissioning, elective recovery, urgent and emergency care, clinical audit, improvement programmes and clinical policy. Providing clinical advice on live issues and incidents as they arise and clinical input for Parliamentary business, media and Board meetings. Secondments Applicants from within the NHS will be offered on a secondment basis only, agreement should be obtained from their employer prior to submitting the application.