Personal Advisor
To contribute to the operational delivery of an effective Childrens Social Care Service as part of a team responsible for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people who will be leaving or have left care provision, continuously improving outcomes.
To be responsible for support provision for allocated cases, in accordance with national and departmental procedures and guidance.
To contribute to managing the reputation of the service and the Council, complying with national and service procedures and guidance.
1. Provide advice and practical support to care leavers, including information and advice to enhance financial capability, accommodation options, education, training and employment, leisure and sporting and cultural opportunities to enable care leavers to enjoy and participate in community life.
2. Participate in the assessment, preparation, monitoring and review of Pathway Plans, ensuring a person-centred focus and empowering young people and their families.
3. Promote and facilitate contact for young people with their birth family members, providing supervision and assessment as required.
4. Co-ordinate the provision of services and take reasonable steps so that care leavers make use of services
5. Maintain information about care leavers progress and well-being through a range of methods including direct contact.
6. Assist young people to maintain positive health and well-being as well as targeted advice and support to access specialist health services.
7. Support young people to develop their confidence and decision-making capacity
8. Identify and assess levels of risk and need and take responsibility for reporting risk through the line management structure.
9. Identify and report safeguarding issues in line with legislation and local procedures.
10. Work co-operatively with colleagues and provide expertise/consultative service relating to young peoples experiences in care and after they leave care.
11. Work in partnership within the Council and across agency boundaries including statutory, voluntary and local community and faith groups.
12. Attend and represent the department at a range of meetings including reviews and case conference meetings.
13. Be responsible, as specified in Departmental Guidance for accurate, timely and up to date data entry on all cases including:
-data entry on ICS and any other electronic tools or database
-data required for specific PIs/targets
14. Ensure that client information data is lawfully gathered, accurate, up to date and only divulged in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the local government common law duty of confidentiality. Failure to apply these duties can lead to the individual or the Department facing court proceedings.
15. Ensure that expenditure on cases is properly authorised and recorded.
16. Contribute to the development of the service through team meetings, Departmental and Council events.
17. Prepare for and attend Performance and Development Reviews, supervision sessions and staff meetings and make use of all available learning and development opportunities.
18. To undertake any other duties as directed from time-to-time to meet the exigencies of the service.
This job description is a representative document. Other reasonable similar duties may be allocated from time to time commensurate with the general character of the post and its grading.
This job description applies to a number of jobs within Childrens Social Care, the team (and office location) that staff undertaking this job description are allocated to could change at the discretion of management following consultation with individual post holders.
In addition to his/her principal duties the post holder will be expected to contribute more widely to the overall development of the Department and the Council. You may be required to be available to contribute to the Out of Hours Service.
All employees are responsible for the implementation of the Health and Safety Policy so far as it affects them, their colleagues and others who may be affected by their work. The post holder is also expected to monitor the effectiveness of the health and safety arrangements and systems to promote appropriate improvements where necessary.
All employees are expected to be committed to the Equality and Diversity policy and assist in removing the barriers to service delivery and employment to enhance a positive equality culture.
Level 3 qualification relating to working with Children and Young People
Demonstrable skills, knowledge and aptitudes
1. Knowledge and understanding of children and young peoples development and family dynamics.
2. Knowledge of issues affecting childrens and young peoples vulnerability and resilience.
3. Knowledge of Human Growth and Development and understanding of insecurities faced by looked after young children in their transition to adulthood.
4. Ability to communicate effectively and undertake direct work with children and young people.
5. Ability to write accurate records and reports
6. Ability to effectively undertake partnership working with children, young people and families.
7. Ability to meet the demands of the service and produce work to a high standard within set timescales.
8. Ability to be solution focused in relation to case work and service development, resolving familiar routine problems autonomously.
9. Ability to follow through on agreements with children, young people and families and demonstrate empathy.
10. Ability to take advantage of, and use, information technology.
11. Ability to work within professional and ethical standards.