Following a recent management restructure we are looking to appoint a number of General Managers to join our operational team. This is an exciting time to join the team at County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust as we embed a new structure with a strong focus on compassionate leadership and the delivery of significant strategic objectives in the coming months and years. From an acute Medicine perspective we are currently looking to transform our services to improve patient outcomes as well as improving patient, and staff, experience. Having recently modernised the footprint of our Same Day Emergency Care facilities within both of our Emergency Departments, we are now in the process of co-locating our Urgent Care facility at University Hospital of North Durham. Recognising the need to ensure that we have a sustainable ED service for the future an exciting project has commenced to create a new Emergency Care Centre at the University Hospital of North Durham. Due to our continued focussed work from an elective recovery perspective CDDFT is performing well against the national targets set by NHS England, with excellent performance in both diagnostic services and cancer too. Having recently just secured a further 5 year contract for community services there is the continued opportunity to work closely with our partners within social services supporting people closer to home County Durham & Darlington NHS Foundation Trust is one of the largest integrated care providers in England, with almost 8000 staff serving a population of around 650,000 people through 2 Acute Sites, 1 centre for planned care and 5 Community hospitals plus multiple Community based settings and patient homes. We have been given an overall rating of Good, following the Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection which took place in December 2019 and have been actively pursuing Outstanding. The Good places us in the top 30% of acute trusts in the country.