Sir Robert McAlpine hassecured a prestigious contract to construct a state-of-the-artBattery Manufacturing Facility. The initial phase of the projectincludes the design and construction of a new 15GWh lithium-ionbattery facility, ancillary buildings, and site-wide externalworks
Why joinus?
Across the country, you'll findiconic landmarks built by Sir Robert McAlpine, Cornwall's EdenProject, Birmingham's Bull Ring, London's EmiratesStadium.
By joining us now, you can playyour part in delivering the next generation of outstanding projectsthat will continue our 150-year plus legacy. Our family-ownedbusiness is where to achieve more from your career by proudlybuilding Britain's future heritage with us.
TheMEP Plannerrole
As an MEP Planneryou'll
* Understand full scope of MEP work,interfaces with building works and the phased commissioningstrategy
* Understand client requirements for integration with theirsystems
* Recognise constraints of client's design team deliveryprogramme
* Complete the development of individual trade contractorprogrammes (including design, procurement, off-site fabrication,installation and commissioning) and validate theseprogrammes
* Ensure all trade contractor programmes reflect agreedconstraints, method, sequence and logistics
* Integrate all validated tradecontractor programmes (including design, procurement, off-sitefabrication, installation and commissioning) into the fullycoordinated SRM programme
Develop, agree and manage a rangeof key performance indicators to measure progress of design,procurement, off-site fabrication, installation andcommissioning
* Measure and record progress,
* Analyse progress, prepare progressreports (graphical, tabular and written), as built programmes andoutput records
1. Good knowledge of building based MEPsystems
2. Excellent communication skills
3. Appreciation of the commissioningprocess in complex environments
Competent user ofPowerProject
4. Competent user of Microsoft Excel
5. Competent in use of 3Dmodels
6. Good core planning and programmingskills
7. Probably have a mechanical or electrical trade contractorbackground
8. A good understanding of the commercial impacts ofplanning
9. An understanding of 4D planningenvironment
We're ready toinvest in you and your future, and offer wide-ranging,performance-related progression opportunities. Our competitiverewards packages feature flexible benefits to fit your lifestyleand priorities.
We'd love you tojoin us in proudly building Britain's future heritage. Apply onlinenow.
Sir Robert McAlpine is focused onbeing a truly inclusive employer, even if you don't meet everysingle requirement, we'd still love to hear from you. Especially ifyou're part of a group that is under-represented in Construction.Our goal is for Sir Robert McAlpine to proportionally represent thediversity of the working population in society. As a family-runbusiness with strong family values, our aim is to ensure that SirRobert McAlpine is a supportive, empowering and inclusiveenvironment for every member of our team.