Job Description: Senior Support Assistant
Responsible To: Service Manager/Team Leader or other Manager as designated by the company
Short Description: The Senior Support Assistant is responsible for delivering Service User centred support; through the efficient operation of a number of Supported housing unit(s) and staff allocated to them in compliance with company processes and procedures.
Specific Duties: The SSA will be specifically responsible for:
1. Supporting the Manager or Team Leader in day to day operations of supported housing unit(s)
2. Maximisation of Service User interests by liaising with internal and external stakeholders
3. Maintenance and implementation of a person centred support plan for each Service User
4. Personal delivery of physical and mental support to Service Users
5. Maintain safeguarding the rights and dignity of each Service User
6. Routine communication of Service User development to interested stakeholders
7. Effective control of Service User financials
8. Fostering of a positive environment in which Service Users and staff actively engage
9. Regular conduct of open and transparent two-way communication with Service Users and staff
10. Maintaining the cleanliness, quality, security and safety of each home and individual service user accommodation
11. Delivery of training to subordinate staff to maximise staff competence
12. Attending and ...