The post holder will work under the supervision of an appropriately experienced and qualified CAMHS LD Registered Practitioner. Provide a range of CAMHS LD assessment and treatment interventions for children and young people (0-18yrs) as well as their families/carers who present with emotional and mental health difficulties as well as those children and young people who have learning disabilities. Undertake clinical responsibility for a caseload including meeting all clinical and operational requirements expected of a CAMHS Care Coordinator in line with the Care Programme Approach (CPA) as well as current evidence based or best practice. This will include collaboratively working and liaising with Trust and multi-agency partners across Gloucestershire as required. Provide CAMHS clinical risk assessments and risk management plans as part of routine clinical work ensuring that all aspects of clinical caseload work adheres to current Trust safeguarding as well as risk assessment and management best practice procedures. Ensure regular attendance at service wide and other CAMHS CPD/core competency training events as well as the monthly Band 5 peer supervision meetings. Ensure high quality, accurate and contemporaneous clinical record keeping is maintained in line with current Trust policies Provide clinical interventions within a multidisciplinary team where expected roles, responsibilities and activity/performance expectations are outlined within a personal (team based) job plan. This job plan will be reviewed on a quarterly basis and may be adjusted to meet team or service led requirements. As agreed within personal job plan, to provide profession based interventions within specific CAMHS LD care pathways or clinics. Provide sound clinical reasoning as well as CAMHS LD specific consultation, training and advice to professionals working within a range of childrens services within Gloucestershire as required. Work flexibly to provide CAMHS LD interventions within a range of clinical and community settings dependent on client and service need. Situations may demand an unpredictable work pattern and difficult situations as well as the need to balance a range of complex clinical needs. Ensure local lone working arrangements are considered and adhered to when delivering interventions within a community setting. Demonstrate commitment to the CAMHS Children and Young Peoples Charter by ensuring routine clinical work reflects proactive involvement and collaborative working with children, young people and their parents/carers. Demonstrate commitment to ensuring the voice of the child is central to developing personalised care planning for all children and young people. Demonstrate commitment to working effectively with team colleagues to develop a strong multidisciplinary ethos and focus to delivering high quality clinical service We provide a Multi-professional preceptorship programme that is aligned to the National Preceptorship Framework for Nursing and have been awarded the Interim quality mark from NHS England. Our programme is provided to all Newly Qualified; Nurses, Nursing Associates, Internationally Educated Practitioners, Allied Health Professionals and Return to Practice Practitioners. In addition to the programme we also offer all preceptees the opportunity of enrolling and completing the level 7 (Masters) 15 credit validated module Preceptorship for Healthcare (AP7026). Newly qualified Social Workers are offered the Assessed and Supported Year in Employment programme (ASYE) which is similar to a preceptorship programme.