Job context As part of the Children and Young Peoples Service you will be working with colleagues who have a commitment to shared values and the common purpose of developing a culture of inter-agency working, including statutory bodies, third and private sector organisations. There is a commitment to ensure that strategic visions are translated into local plans in collaboration with professionals, partners and service users. Sitting within the Children and Families service (CFS) the post holder will drive forward the effective delivery of the No Wrong Door methodology and core offer. The post will lead and manage a range of services, support and placements for both looked after children and those on the edge of care ensuring interventions include embedded specialist roles, in line with core assessments and care plans. Key characteristics of this post are effective leadership and management skills with the flexible deployment of a significant and resilient staff team. The post will manage a 24-hour service and be able to progress plans for complex adolescents working effectively with key (CFS) teams and partners. This post has responsibility for the management of significant financial resources and the service must be delivered within nationally defined regulations and standards. The post requires an enhanced DBS. Job purpose Responsible for the management of the No Wrong Door Hub (East or West), a multi-agency partnership between the Local Authority, Police and Health. Responsible for a range of diverse placement options for the most complex, high risk young people including residential care and out of hours provision. Also, service delivery for Edge of Care, Activities and Bespoke placements for up to 50 young people at any time. Operational Management: Responsible for integrated management of hub placements, edge of care, activities, bespoke and 28-day strategy placements, including Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children when required. Ensure Service and Team Plans are developed and delivered. Provide guidance and operational oversight as necessary outside normal office hours to support the robust prevention of children becoming unnecessarily looked after. To carry out duties, as required, under the Councils complaints, disciplinary and grievance procedure, including the functions of an investigating officer across all settings. Ensure effective collaboration with housing and leaving care to deliver a streamlined service across a range of provision and into independent living. Ensure quality assurance and deliver against key performance targets. Support the development of the NWD methodology regionally and nationally including influencing decision and policy makers. Manage the recruitment, training, service development and quality of NWD. Rigorously self-assess against standards, regulations and Ofsted inspection frameworks. Provide clear management, leadership and direction to the NWD Hub using evidence-based models including Signs of Safety and Restorative Practice. Effectively deliver on and review the Hubs Statement of Purpose. Resource management: Provide clear oversight, management and prudent control of complex financial resources. Support wider service targets in C&F through delivery of timely, flexible support 24/7 to meet fluctuating and at times intensive demand. Provide rigorous challenge to meet young peoples care plan i.e., Finding and Matching Panel. Provide a training plan for the service, including induction, safeguarding, child protection and support a NWD learning culture. Deliver a service in accommodation that is fit for purpose and meets the needs of complex young people. Forward plan to ensure resources are effectively managed and risks identifies early. Ensure services meet need in relation to health, welfare and development and provide care based on evidenced based and aspirational practice. Partnerships: Develop and maintain multi-agency networks, ensuring NWD is kept at the forefront of strategic developments and partners priorities, at all levels. Develop and maintain good working relationships with both internal colleagues and partners. Deliver an integrated service working to the NWD culture and practice model. Work effectively and collaboratively with case holding Team Managers. Ensure interagency collaboration to deliver aspirational practice and creative education packages for complex young people. Strategic management: Manage the creation and development of links with local communities and services. Provide effective performance management providing outstanding services. Provide manager representation and insight at appropriate meetings and panels and contribute to the management of the NWD budget (which includes a range of placements, support and services with additional resource implications). Deliver high standards of practice in the context of rapidly changing national policy, guidance and inspection frameworks. Take lead responsibility for Health and Safety across the NWD Hub. Communications: In collaboration with the Group Manager NWD, ensure there is an effective flow of information with the service, peers, senior leadership, Elected Members, Looked after Childrens Groups, Multi- Agency partnerships, and key government departments. Ensure services establish rapport and respectful, trusting relationships with children, young people, their families and carers. Ensure young people are involved in the development of services through consultation, participation and focus groups. To be a key enabler for reducing LAC and safely maintaining young people in their communities in a planned or an emergency basis. Present information through public speaking at local, regional and national events in line with NYC expectations. Ensure that the service provides effective, child friendly recording. Systems and information: Ensure compliance with Freedom of Information requests by collating, analysing, and releasing appropriate information. Collate, analyse and report on key performance information and targets. Ensure there are robust effective systems in place that provide suitable evidence to Ofsted and HMI inspectors for wider Council inspections. Ensure effective use of Liquid Logic Childrens System and business intelligence to review performance, set targets and develop improvement and action plans. Safeguarding: Be responsible for promoting and safeguarding the welfare of young people. Lead on any safeguarding issues, manage investigations, complaints and any issues around whistleblowing including LADO investigations and reports to Ofsted. Ensure services are safeguarding compliant, making effective use of support services including legal, insurance and HR.