Title: QA Assistant Location: McColgansQualityFoodsLtd Dublin Road Industrial Estate Strabane Co.Tyrone Responsible To: Technical / Quality Manager Qualifications: Qualification in Food Technology / Science / Environmental Health (or equivalent). Main Purpose: To maintain, control & improve quality standards throughout the organisation. Main Duties: Carry out QA audits on a daily, weekly &monthly basis andtakecorrective&preventativeactionasnecessary. Carryoutqualitybakechecks. Liaisewithinternaldepartmentsregardingstandards, hygiene, compliance etc. Ensureallrelevantproceduresarefollowedasdetailed in work instructions, HACCP & CCPs to ensure compliance with legislation, 3rd party & customer standards. Ensureallnecessarydocumentationiscompleted, accurate, updated & filed accordingly. Involvedin&overseeproductionqualitytrials. Establish,monitorandreviseworkinstructionsas necessary. Behaveinaresponsiblemannershowingrespectfor company property and respect for other membersof staff. Any other reasonable duties as required. Note: This description is not intended to establish a total definition of the job, but an outline of the duties.