Closing Date
Thursday 13 March 2025
Applications are invited from highly motivated and enthusiastic candidates for the role of Researcher to investigate and perform research to disseminate findings on an ERC advance grant project funded by UKRI frontier science entitled "Divide and Thrive: Unravelling the unconventional dynamics and regulation of rapid cell division during Plasmodium male gamete formation" under the supervision of Professor Rita Tewari.
The research will primarily focus on investigating parasite cell division during transmission stages using cellular electron tomography and serial block face scanning electron microscopy (SBF-SEM). The role requires substantial experience in ultramicrotomy, serial sectioning, SBF-SEM, and quantitative image analysis of Plasmodium parasites using electron microscopy.
This fixed-term, full-time (36.25 hours) post is available from 1st May 2025 for one year, with the potential for a further one-year extension subject to funding.
Requests for secondment from internal candidates may be considered on the basis that prior agreement has been sought from both your current line manager and the manager of your substantive post if you are already undertaking a secondment role.
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Rita Tewari at Please note that applications sent directly to this email address will not be accepted.